Save Our Rail Northland are holding a public meeting at
Forum North, Whangarei on Tuesday the 11th of October 2011 from 7 p.m.
Save our Rail Northland are a group of citizens concerned that KiwiRail is planning to close down the North Auckland and Dargaville Branch Railway Lines. The aim of the Save Our Rail Northland campaign is to: Prevent the mothballing of the North Auckland Line and the Dargaville Branch Line.
Objectives: To raise public awareness of the role of rail in Northland’s growing resilience, to increase public support for the line and to pressure central and local government.
Consequently governments around the world are being warned to urgently reduce their vulnerability to increasing fossil fuel prices and oil shocks.
While,the maintenance and extension of our rail infrastructure networks is consistant with the IEA's advice, pouring our resources into building more motorways is not.
It is extremely concerning that the 2009 Ministerial Briefing on Oil Prices and Transport Resiliance and the Bolland Report which was commissioned by the Ministry of Transport in April 2010 to provide independant advice on the costs and benefits of road vs rail for freight transport,- which concluded that rail is more efficient than road, were both quashed under the Official Information Act later in 2010.
Many voters will find it very concerning that these and other significant documents relating to the National Party's approach to the provision of transport infrastructure have been hidden from public scrutiny .
It also calls into question the National Party's unwillingness to provide leadership in dealing with the strategic inevitabilities that all New Zealanders are going to have to face - in what is now defined by the International Energy Agency as the 'post peak / cheap oil age'.
Alan Preston, Save Our Rail Northland
Event Details
Dates & Times: Tuesday 11 October, 7pm
Venue: Cafler Two
Cost: Free
Vivienne Shepherd
(09)438 8710 (work)
(09)4362610 ( home)
Whangarei, Northland, New Zealand
Save the Auckland to Northland Rail Line on Facebook
Alan Preston
Mangawhai Village, Northland , New Zealand
tel: (09) 431 5389
mob/txt: 02102377242

Objectives: To raise public awareness of the role of rail in Northland’s growing resilience, to increase public support for the line and to pressure central and local government.
National Government's approach to provision of
transport infrastructure is not consistant with International Energy
Agency Advice.
The International Energy Agency, of which New Zealand is one of 28 sponsor nations, recently completed a study of 800 of the world's oil fields to quantify production potential and in May 2011 reversed their previous forecasts, now concluding that peak oil actually occured in 2006 and that 'the age of cheap oil is over'.
The International Energy Agency, of which New Zealand is one of 28 sponsor nations, recently completed a study of 800 of the world's oil fields to quantify production potential and in May 2011 reversed their previous forecasts, now concluding that peak oil actually occured in 2006 and that 'the age of cheap oil is over'.
Consequently governments around the world are being warned to urgently reduce their vulnerability to increasing fossil fuel prices and oil shocks.
While,the maintenance and extension of our rail infrastructure networks is consistant with the IEA's advice, pouring our resources into building more motorways is not.
It is extremely concerning that the 2009 Ministerial Briefing on Oil Prices and Transport Resiliance and the Bolland Report which was commissioned by the Ministry of Transport in April 2010 to provide independant advice on the costs and benefits of road vs rail for freight transport,- which concluded that rail is more efficient than road, were both quashed under the Official Information Act later in 2010.
Many voters will find it very concerning that these and other significant documents relating to the National Party's approach to the provision of transport infrastructure have been hidden from public scrutiny .
It also calls into question the National Party's unwillingness to provide leadership in dealing with the strategic inevitabilities that all New Zealanders are going to have to face - in what is now defined by the International Energy Agency as the 'post peak / cheap oil age'.
Alan Preston, Save Our Rail Northland
Event Details
Dates & Times: Tuesday 11 October, 7pm
Venue: Cafler Two
Cost: Free
Vivienne Shepherd
(09)438 8710 (work)
(09)4362610 ( home)
Whangarei, Northland, New Zealand
Save the Auckland to Northland Rail Line on Facebook
Alan Preston
Mangawhai Village, Northland , New Zealand
tel: (09) 431 5389
mob/txt: 02102377242