Kedgley has represented the Greens in the New Zealand Parliament since first becoming a Member in the 1999 elections, and is currently 5th on the Green Party list.
The widely respected MP is currently the Green Party Spokesperson on: Food, Health and Wellbeing (Preventative Health, Complementary Health, Environmental Health, Nutrition, Aged Care), Local Government, Environment (Toxics), Transport (Wellington), Animal Welfare, Older Persons, Alcohol and other Drugs, Broadcasting, Civil Defence and Consumer Affairs.
Despite Kedgley's tireless work to improve the lives of ordinary New Zealander's, which has been predominated with careful and well thought out political comment, Wilkinson went on the offensive today. However she has very little to back up her idiotic assertions... in fact Wilkinson fails to make any credible argument whatsoever:
Misinformation... where? Wilkinson has obviously had a little tantrum because Kedley is defending us from uncaring conglomerates like Monsanto and their pro GM agenda. The Minister for Food Safety is simply pissed off about a petition with 4000 people's signatures on it, that argues that the sharing of food is a basic human right. Those signatures are clear evidence that Kedgley is representing more than just a small minority:Food Safety Minister Kate Wilkinson says she is concerned that the Green Party is endorsing misinformation about the impacts of a new Food Bill.“For some time anonymous agitators have been spreading false information on the internet regarding the Food Bill and despite initially countering their views, Sue Kedgley has now buckled in order to chase their votes because it is an election year.
Unfortunately a small minority have decided the Bill is some sort of global corporate conspiracy designed to take control of the food chain and will lead to armed police storming the homes of private gardeners.
Obviously this is rubbish and the Green Party, having earlier worked with the Government and supported the Bill through select committee, is now irresponsibly encouraging these views by spreading misinformation for political means."
"The Food Bill will seriously impede initiatives like community gardens, food co-ops, heritage seed banks, farmers markets, bake sales, and roadside fruit and vegetable stalls," say the organisers of the petition, is Sue Kedgley's recent valedictory statement:
Kedgley has also worked as a television reporter, director, producer, served on the Wellington City Council for 7 years and for the United Nations in New York for 8 years, as well as writing the book Eating Safely in a Toxic World, which is well worth a read.
Sue Kedgley is a champion of the people, and will leave a political legacy she can truly be proud of. She's most deserving of this weeks hero award.