RWNJ is internet slang for ''Right Wing Nut Job''. The abbreviated term first became popularized and prominent on the Internet in 2010, mainly used by commentators on blogsites as a descriptive insult. A RWNJ is considered to be a neocon conservative who proselytizes about his political beliefs, trying to convert others to their flawed way of thinking.
A person can be named a RWNJ for making an argument with broad assumptions without checking factual information to promote their right-wing beliefs. However the slang term is sometimes used as an Ad hominem attack, to take down an opponent by referring their belief system to a flawed way of thinking.
RWNJ is mainly used to describe people involved in the tea party movement, but can also be applied to those holding capitalist and fascist ideals. This has spurred some commentators to coin the rarely seen LWNJ or ''Left Wing Nut Job'' in response.
New Zealand has a long history of RWNJ's... However they've recently been on the decline in both numbers and outspokenness. Here's a brief description of New Zealand's current RWNJ community:
A person can be named a RWNJ for making an argument with broad assumptions without checking factual information to promote their right-wing beliefs. However the slang term is sometimes used as an Ad hominem attack, to take down an opponent by referring their belief system to a flawed way of thinking.
RWNJ is mainly used to describe people involved in the tea party movement, but can also be applied to those holding capitalist and fascist ideals. This has spurred some commentators to coin the rarely seen LWNJ or ''Left Wing Nut Job'' in response.
New Zealand has a long history of RWNJ's... However they've recently been on the decline in both numbers and outspokenness. Here's a brief description of New Zealand's current RWNJ community:
The NZ National Party website is designed to promote the socially conservative National Party. It supports a free market economy, privatisation of state owned assets and lower taxation for the wealthy. Due to the many financial scandals and cuts to social spending, National can be considered as elitist and divisive.
The Act website and political party promotes free market economics, low taxation for the wealthy, reduced government expenditure and increased punishments for crime. It is associated with the racially divisive Sensible Sentencing Trust. The Act party sees itself as promoting accountability and transparency in government. However the actions of the Act MP and criminal David Garret and recent undemocratic takeover by Don Brash clearly shows that the Act party favours dog eat dog politics.
Kiwiblog is a National driven site run by David Peter Farrar. He is a frequent commentator in the media on Internet issues and often incites racism and sexism with controversial posts. Farrar likes to blame the victim, is an apologist for the National Government and has worked in Parliament for four National Party leaders. He set up the Coalition of Free Speech which ran a number of expensive billboards designed to defame Helen Clark.
Gotcha is run by Cameron Slater who is a controversial Internet blogger. Obsessed with weapons and Helen Clark, Cameron started the lobby group Suppression Helps Abusers Make Excuses (SHAME). Cameron Slater is the son of former National Party President John Slater and is most notable for repeated breaches of New Zealand's name suppression laws and testing privacy conventions.
Cactus Kate is run by Hong Kong based Cathy Odgers. She is also known for writing the (now defunct) fortnightly Cactus Kate column in The Dominion Post. She is a full member of STEP (Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners), the Asia Offshore Association and the Inter-Pacific Bar Association. Cathy is an elitist and believes that her wealth gives her privileges and rights over and above the general public and poor.
New Zeal is a blog site run by Trevor Loudon who was vice president of the ACT New Zealand Party from 2006 to 2008. He believes that Socialism is a manifestation of mental illness or major character deficiency. Loudon also sparked some controversy when he compared Labour Cabinet Minister David Benson-Pope to Heinrich Himmler. He thinks that the Kohanga Reo and Kura Kaupapa Maori movements are designed to foster a seperatist, radical, even revolutionary culture among young Maori. He is a life member ZAP.
The United Future website is run by Peter Dunne, leader of the United Future political party. Peter Dunne has re-branded United Future as a modern centre party, based on promoting strong families and vibrant communities. He wants United Future to become New Zealand's version of Britain's Liberal Democrats. Dunne is about as dynamic as a toilet brush.
No Minister is a right wing blog site and its main contributor is Journalist Lucian Marin. It's edited by Whaleoil Media.
CrusaderRabbit is a right wing blogsite that states; “Leftists, progressives and socialists are not welcome.” It requests that such people pay for their own soapboxes. They also state that they are “seriously weird,” and “run by violent nut jobs who promote war and the weapons of war with relish.”
Roarprawn is mainly about politics, food and fishing in New Zealand. Its main contributor is known as BustedBlonde.
Not PC is attributed to the libertarian party and is dedicated to laissez-faire capitalism and keeping government as small as possible.
Clint Heine and Friends is associated with the Act party. He's known for displaying an obscene photo-shopped image of Helen Clark on his site.
Not PC is attributed to the libertarian party and is dedicated to laissez-faire capitalism and keeping government as small as possible.
Clint Heine and Friends is associated with the Act party. He's known for displaying an obscene photo-shopped image of Helen Clark on his site.