However there was one glaringly obvious exception, Simon Bridges. The so-called leader of the opposition practically had a melt down trying to find a way to criticise the Labour led Government over it’s fiscal management during these trying times.
Today, RNZ reported:
Coronavirus: Simon Bridges criticised for 'politics-as-usual' pot shots amid covid-19 crisis
But while a time of crisis and tragedy usually brings Parliament together - like gun reforms in the immediate aftermath of 15 March - for National's Simon Bridges yesterday was an opportunity to take pot shots.
"Bluntly, what we see in this package today is money flowing faster into the hands of beneficiaries than the workers and the businesses that will lose their businesses and their jobs over coming weeks and months,'' he said.
"You know, that to me is a crying tragedy."
You know what’s really a crying shame…Soimon’s misuse of proverbs and lack of basic math skills. The increase to benefits amounts to $2.4 billion while the business package amounts to $5.1 billion. So I’m not sure that Bridges is doing anything here except dog whistle politics.
However, Green Party co-leader James Shaw offered this critique.
"I thought that he was tone-deaf.”
But Bridges said the public will see his opposition as constructive criticism.
Hahahahaha! Even the right wing’s twitter trolls aren’t defending his propaganda at the moment.
Yesterday's announcement sees $5.1 billion directly towards wage subsidies for affected businesses across the country - effective immediately.
There will be a cap of $150,000 per business for those who can show they've had a 30 percent decline in revenue in any one month in the first half of this year.
But Bridges said if he was running the show he'd be sinking a lot more money in than that.
Yeah right!
"I'd potentially do much more, I might not have a limit. That said I don't have costings, I don't have Treasury at my disposal, I haven't worked those things out.
Bridges claiming that he would have unlimited money to spend when he doesn’t even get to look at the books is about the dumbest political grandstand of this election campaign so far. Imagine if this idiot ever became Prime Minister?
It’s likely that through his continued and monumental bungling Simon Bridges will start to sink National’s polling results. When that happens what excuse do they have to not select another leader? I mean at this point even Bozo the clown would do a better job at running the National Party.