It's bizarre that Joyce is computer illiterate in terms of communicating with the public. Unfortunately that failure is something he shares with many National MP's. This effectively ensures they're out of touch, which could explain some of their recent defunct policy ideas.
Yesterday, Green MP Gareth Hughes asked a very pertinent question:
But it's not just communication that Joyce is failing in... he's also a dishonest man, who should not be allowed anywhere near the halls of power.
In 2005 Joyce met with the Exclusive Brethren to help them with their negative politicking campaign. Joyce even OK'd the derogatory pamphlets before they were distributed. He denied that these meetings occurred and was later found to be blatantly lying. Steven also said that he was not receiving advice from spin-doctors Crosby/Texter and was later proven to be lying.
In 2009 Joyce gave Mediaworks a huge below market rate loan of $43.3 million against official advice from the Ministry of Economic Development and on the back of lies in parliament about the company collapsing. At first National said it wasn't a loan and were proven to be lying. All this despite the IRD taking Mediaworks to court for unpaid taxes of $24.5 million.
In 2010 the Rail and Maritime Workers Union and many other organizations were ignored by Steven Joyce and a tender for new train carriages, which would have created approximately 1300 new jobs and provided $70 million in Crown revenue if built in New Zealand, was given to a Chinese firm. Clare Curran said:
Here Steven Joyce get's questioned about Aucklands transport system just before the trains failed during the RWC openning ceremony:The Prime Minister today revealed he’s not seen any reports on the economic value to NZ of keeping some of that work inside New Zealand. It shows this government has no commitment to keeping a skilled rail engineering workforce in this country, or reducing unemployment in manufacturing.KiwiRail recently chose China CNR Corporation (CNR) as its preferred tenderer to supply 300 flatdeck wagons, which raised more questions about Kiwirail’s and the government’s real intentions for New Zealand’s rail engineering industry. The decision to choose China’s CNR as the preferred tenderer didn’t take into account the wider economic benefits and spin-offs for New Zealand of using KiwiRail’s own staff at the Hillside Workshops in Dunedin and at Woburn in Lower Hutt to do the work.
Steven Joyce is a failure!