
4 Aug 2022

The opposition is in disarray

What on earth is going on with the main opposition parties at the moment? Both National and ACT have been making numerous flip-flops and miscommunications, clearly indicating that they aren’t a viable alternative to the current Labour led Government.

Of particular note is the duplicitous reasoning given for why they support wealthy property speculators being able to vote in multiple local body elections, while arguing that Maori shouldn’t be allowed to have any say in how our water resources are managed.

'One person, one vote' is David Seymour’s racist campaign slogan; a rule that the ACT party now says shouldn’t apply to wealthy and predominantly white property speculators. It’s pretty obvious that allowing property owners to have multiple voting rights in numerous districts is unjustifiable, and also the main reason why councils have an overabundance of white representatives on their disproportionate boards.

Then we have Christopher Luxon similarly looking like a fool by trying to keep his trip overseas secret. Instead of being upfront about his holiday in Hawaii, presumably to receive advice from John Key, Luxon’s social media "team" misled the public into thinking that he was hard at work in Te Puke.

In fact, the National party is currently all over the place, not only with their online campaigning, but also with their very limited policy announcements.

Today, the NZ Herald reported:

Act, Labour, Greens accuse National policy of stoking inflation as National drops tax policy

National has copped friendly fire from its likely coalition partner, Act, which is arguing that National's tax plan would stoke inflation by cutting taxes and increasing spending at the same time - sending a wave of cash through the economy.

Act isn't alone - nearly every party in Parliament has lashed out at National's bracket indexation policy, which would reduce income tax by raising tax thresholds, for being inflationary.

National disputes the idea that the tax cuts would be inflationary, but its finance spokeswoman Nicola Willis has confirmed the policy was on the bench for now, with the party working up a new tax policy for the next election.

Obviously providing the wealthy with another windfall would be inflationary. Invariably that’s one of the main causes of inflation. It's not just overseas headwinds. In New Zealand the business assistant program provided companies with billions of taxpayer dollars recently. They then posted record profits from what is essentially price gouging. These profits end up in wealthy people’s savings people whose main pastime is to over-inflate the price of our essential goods and services, such as housing.

The National party claiming that it doesn’t need to be consistent with its tax policy is as stupid as claiming women who have abortions should be imprisoned for ten years or that the wealthy should have more voting rights than the rest of us. It’s bad politics and indicates that the opposition will turn on a dime with even the slightest change in the wind.