
11 May 2017

The stench surrounding William Yan

Today, the NZ Herald reported:

Controversial citizen William Yan AKA Bill Liu admits money laundering of 'significant sums'


William Yan pleads guilty to money laundering, name suppression lifted.
Will serve sentence in penthouse apartment.
NZ to keep $15m of seized $43m. 
One of New Zealand's most controversial citizens has been convicted of money laundering.

William Yan - also known as Bill Liu, Yang Liu and Yong Ming Yan - pleaded guilty to the serious criminal charge in March. Name suppression was lifted at the sentencing hearing in the Auckland District Court this morning.

It beggars belief that William Yan is being allowed to remain in New Zealand. It was bad enough that Shane Jones granted him citizenship in the first place despite an Interpol warning. But why on earth hasn’t Yan’s money laundering guilty verdict automatically sent him packing?

Clearly Yan laundered money from China because he couldn’t bring it into New Zealand legitimately.  But what really pisses me off is that it appears some of that fraudulent money was also used to grease the palms of certain dishonest politicians to ensure his citizenship.

It’s simply unacceptable that Yan was laundering money and applying for New Zealand citizenship while making substantial donations to the Labour and National party.

Today the Herald also reported:

Accused of $129m fraud: Citizen William Yan, the man with many names

Millionaire businessman William Yan (aka Yang Liu, Yong Ming Yan and Bill Liu) was at the centre of a political citizenship storm and a police raid on his Auckland apartment. Now Chinese authorities claim he is responsible for a $129 million fraud.

Surely crimes concerning such a large amount of dirty money would negate any rights Yan has to remain in New Zealand?

The fact that Yan has used some of his laundered money to apparently bribe officials in order to remain in New Zealand and retain his possessions, possessions that were also purchased with dirty money from China is despicable!

You can understand Yan being able to bribe his way out of China the first time, because their system is well known to be corruptible. But I expected more from New Zealand’s so called political leaders and our justice system.

Jared Savage from the Herald continues:

The Criminal Proceeds Recovery law used to seize assets from Mr Yan and Ms Zeng essentially forces someone to prove how an asset was paid for - even if they were acquitted or criminal charges are not laid.

This investigation focused on a number of VIP members at SkyCity casino and the flow of money related to alleged drug transactions through the casino, according to the affidavit of Mr Good.

"From my experience and from numerous intelligence reports and organised crime investigations, Sky City casino and particularly the VIP facilities are a recognised money laundering risk and an environment within which numerous drug distribution groups work, both alone, and alongside one another," said Mr Good. 
SkyCity casino

One of the alleged "suspicious" transactions reported to police was the cash purchase of one apartment in the Metropolis for $500,000 - one of five titles bought on the 35th floor and combined into one giant penthouse - outlined in Mr Kay's affidavit.

Ms You received $2.3 million in a bank account from a foreign exchange dealer, which she withdrew in two bank cheques of $1.8 million and $500,000.

Those cheques were deposited in Sky City accounts, but 30 minutes later she withdrew $300,000 and Mr Yan then "cashed out" $200,000 worth of chips. The cash was given to the real estate agent inside the casino.

"Given the timing of these transactions it appears Mr Yan used Ms You's accounts to receive, then filter through Sky City, substantial cash funds for the purchase of Apartment 3505," alleged Mr Kay.

You’ve got to wonder why the National party is such champions of Sky City then? If the venue is being used to launder money and distribute drugs then it really shouldn’t have received a back-room deal to ensure more gamblers are addicted to 470 new gambling machines. In fact the Police should have shut down Auckland’s Sky City, just like they would do to any other drug dealing or money laundering premises.

It looks to me like the Police and the court system have been bribed so that Yan retained his possessions and received a sentence that isn’t really a sentence at all. I mean five months home detention in a luxury apartment purchased with dirty money. He can leave whenever he wants so it’s not really even home detention FFS!

It’s a clear indication that our political and justice systems can be purchased and there is one law for the rich and another for the rest of us.