
24 May 2017

Eruini Hawke - Hero of the Week

It’s becoming more apparent that the environment is struggling to cope with the effects of climate change. We’re now experiencing more severe weather patterns as was predicted, but at a much faster rate and greater intensity.

Despite there being more droughts and floods than ever before, the government’s response has been fickle and lacklustre to say the least.

Thankfully there are organisations in New Zealand who aren’t waiting for leadership from the National party. They’re getting on with the job of trying to build resilience into nature by planting trees and working to restore native ecosystems.

One such organisation working towards a greener future is Ngāti Whātua.

Yesterday, Native Affairs reported:

Ngāti Whātua has been working on an ecological restoration plan in the heart of Auckland city. The public has hardly noticed the green spaces being developed but the iwi doesn't care. Their plan is to restore their lands to what they once were, and - in doing so, prepare for the future impacts - of climate change.

Follow the above link for a video showing Ngāti Whātua’s excellent work.

As the Ecological Restoration Project Manager for Ngāti Whātua’s fantastic restoration project, Eruini Hawke is certainly a New Zealand Hero who is making the world a better place. His work will undoubtedly inspire others. Well-done mate!