
16 Dec 2014

Key uses tragedy for propaganda

As Australians and Kiwis are learning about the tragic events that have resulted in the deaths of three people, the Prime Minister of New Zealand has taken it upon himself to use the situation to promote a complete untruth.

Today, Radio NZ reported:

John Key said it was clear from what unfolded across the Tasman that ISIS was running an outreach campaign which was trying to tap into the disenfranchised.

The Prime Minister said the holding up of an Islamic flag in the Lindt cafe in Sydney made it feel like ISIS was the driving force behind what happened.

The problem for Key is that he's entirely wrong! Today, Radio NZ also reported:

Deadly end to Sydney siege

Earlier, police confirmed to Radio New Zealand the man behind the siege was Man Haron Monis, who had been on bail for a charge of accessory to murder.

The Iranian man, also known as Sheikh Haron, was convicted last year over offensive letters he sent to family members of Australian soldiers killed in Afghanistan between 2007 and 2009.

Man Haron Monis was an Iranian and Iran has been fighting ISIL for a long time now. The failure of John Key, who just so happens to be the Minister in charge of "Intelligence" Services, to provide any evidence to support his claims is profound.

So desperate is the Prime Minister of New Zealand for an excuse to send more troops off to war and justify the implementation of further domestic spying legislation that he's willing to blatantly lie about Man Haron Monis' affiliation with ISIL.

In my opinion this shows complete disrespect for the people caught up in the tragedy…especially the hostages who lost their lives and their grieving families.

It also shows that our leaders and the mainstream media are willing to use such tragedies in order to promote a war that the good people of Australia and New Zealand clearly don't support.

26 Nov 2014

When will the PM take responsibility?

It often bemuses me as to why people would vote for a dishonest political party that has spent the last two terms in government undermining our once great democracy. Why on earth would voters support a scoundrel like John Key, a man who has been shown on numerous occasions to be a complete fraudster?

The list of Key’s lies is extensive and is being added to on a daily basis. Albeit in a biased manner, his dishonesty is being reported on. So why aren’t the media en masse and the public they influence demanding a change in government or in the very least the Prime Minister’s resignation? Are we to believe that there's simply no accountability in New Zealand's political system anymore?

Surely the use of a state-spying agency to undermine a political opponent is a serious enough incident to require a new leader. Key is after all the Minister in charge of the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service and therefore cannot simply pass the buck. Only a naive fool would believe that the NZSIS simply made mistakes and that there was no political motive in releasing inaccurate information that was used to damage an opposition leader’s credibility.

The head of the SIS wouldn’t under normal circumstances give preferential treatment to a National party attack blogger, Cameron Slater, unless he was instructed to do so. Even when the misinformation they published was highlighted, the SIS did nothing to restore political neutrality. In fact they went out of their way to continue to perpetuate the dishonesty. You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to understand whom this benefited and therefore why it was done.

In my opinion there should be no differentiation between the PM and his office or the portfolios he administers. Only a leader that’s entirely inept would be unaware of the numerous underhanded dealings going on right under his nose. If Key is truly that incompetent then he should resign! However, Key knew full well about the smear campaigning, and for that he should also resign!

If the Prime Minister isn’t willing to take responsibility for the irrefutable misconduct that has been documented throughout Nicky Hager's excellent book, Dirty Politics, then he’s bringing the entire political system into disrepute. John Key is in effect making a mockery of his position as the Prime Minister of New Zealand…He’s making a mockery of parliament and all it stands for as well.

6 Oct 2014

Police turn over Hager's home

We all should be aware that in New Zealand there's a certain group of wealthy people who believe themselves to be above the law. Sometimes this includes the Police themselves, who have on numerous occasions abused their positions of power.

That's what appears to have occurred when the Police, clearly on the orders of those implicated in the Dirty Politics scandal, searched Nicky Hager's house for clues as to the identity of the Dirty Politics hacker known as Rawshark.

Today, the NZ Herald reported:

Dirty Politics author Nicky Hager has had his home raided by police searching for the hacker Rawshark.

In a 10-hour search of his house, Hager said computers and papers were seized in what appeared to be an attempt to discover the identity of the person who provided information used in the Dirty Politics book.

The book was an election bombshell based on hacked email and social media material belonging to WhaleOil blogger Cameron Slater.

The person contacted the Herald and Fairfax using the identity Rawshark while using the Twitter handle @whaledump to release information publicly.

Hager said five officers came to his Wellington home last Thursday with a search warrant.

He was in Auckland at the time the police arrived giving lectures at the University of Auckland.

What I would like to know is since when do the Police have the power to enter into Nicky Hager's house without his permission and take property because somebody else hacked Cameron Slater's computers?

Hager clearly isn't the hacker. He has in fact done no crime by using information provided to him in good faith, especially because it's of great public interest.

"Soon after the police arrived, the lead detective stated that I was not a suspect in their case, merely a witness." Hager said he told the detective there was nothing in his house which held information that would uncover the source.

"Nonetheless, he and his four colleagues seized a large collection of papers and electronic equipment belonging to my family, including computers, drives, phones, CDs, an IPOD and a camera."

Hager said the search and seizure of the material was a "fishing expedition" carried out by officers who had no idea who they were looking for, hoping for a lucky break.

"I am confident that the police took nothing that will help them with their investigation."

Hager said he would not cooperate with police in any way to reveal the Dirty Politics source - or any other source. "I believe the police actions are dangerous for journalism in New Zealand.

"It matters to all people working in the media who could similarly have their property searched and seized to look for sources. People are less likely to help the media if the police act in this way.

"The police want people to respect their role in society; they should in turn respect other people's roles in society."

He said he was speaking to his lawyers about challenging the police action.

You've also got to wonder why a judge would disregard the law and allow such a raid?

The only reason for Rawshark's identity to be made known would be to give the corrupt people named in Hager's book a target to attack. Therefore the safety of this individual is more important than any public interest there might be in making their identity known.

That makes the Police raid and the judge's decision to allow such an action highly questionable, especially because there is no evidence of Nicky Hager himself breaking any law whatsoever. In fact I would say that such reasoning behind a clear abuse of Police power is flawed, which would make the raid itself illegal.

This wouldn't be the first time the powers that be have used the Police to try and shut down the truth from being reported on. Remember what happened with the teapot tape and the news agencies that were provided a copy of what John Banks and Key had said?

This is clearly pointing to a more totalitarian regime that will abuse their power in an attempt to intimidate and stop the truth about their corrupt regime from getting out. So let's name their behaviour for what it really is...fascism!

Will Obama's Bombs Stop Beheadings?

Russell Brand The Trews (E146).

Reaction to President Barack Obama's 'destroy and degrade' strategy address for fighting the Islamic State.

1 Oct 2014

The problem with warmongers

The problem with warmongers is they appear to have no empathy for their fellow human beings. That's because war, and the industrial complex behind it, is invariably built upon people's prejudices.

History is littered with examples of prejudice being used as a reason for atrocities…a prime example being the holocaust. Although there were a myriad of other unjustifiable reasons, it was people's prejudices that were ultimately used as an excuse for the worst genocide in living memory.

We see the same thing with Israel’s illegal war on Palestine. How can they indiscriminately bomb women and children you might ask? Well the simple answer is they’ve been conditioned to hate from a very early age.

That's also the case with the United States' wars for oil in the Middle East. Although people being stigmatized for what they believe in or the colour of their skin is nothing new, the ability to turn prejudices into actions has become a lot easier with the advent of radio, television and the Internet. The warmonger's have utilized these tools to convince entire nations that there's a reason to tear themselves apart or go to war. In fact their propaganda is now used worldwide to the great detriment of all mankind.

Here’s one small example of the damage to society from the warmongers propaganda, with the Mail Online reporting yesterday:

Woman's head is battered against train carriage by female attacker who shouted racist abuse

A Melbourne woman was left 'emotionally distraught' after being verbally and physically assaulted during a racial tirade by a fellow train passenger.

The 26-year-old victim was standing by the doors of the train as it approached Batman Railway Station in Northern Melbourne on Thursday evening, when she was approached by another woman who began hurling abuse at her.

Media reports allege the victim was a Muslim woman.

These aren't just random attacks...they’re events that have been actively encouraged by governments through a compliant and corrupted media banging on about Muslim extremists. Such propaganda has encouraged prejudice within the general public, with people's differences once again being exploited as an excuse to go to war.

Last week, the Courier Mail reported on Brisbane Muslim community leader Ali Kadri saying:

“This is how extremism starts. It starts in the mind, it comes out the mouth and ends up in violence ... we must all sit down and come up with some solutions.’’

The problem here is it's the state creating and promoting people's fears and prejudices. This clearly indicates that they've learnt nothing at all from history, because if they'd actually listened to those who went through a real war, they wouldn't be trying to cause another one.

So fickle is their understanding about the realities of war that only a generation after world war two, so-called Western "democracies" seem ready to utterly disregard our forebears' sacrifice. This shows that the real problem with warmongers isn't just that they actively promote people's prejudices, but that they haven't learnt from their mistakes and are therefore fated to repeat them.

29 Sept 2014

Peter Williams - Hero of the Week

There are not many lawyers who I respect. However, that's not the case with Peter Williams, who is clearly one of the good guys.

Not only has this highly experienced Queen's Council worked tirelessly to uphold the law, he has also been outspoken on many issues of significance to all of us.

Here's Peter Williams talking with Selwyn Manning about the GCSB's unlawful activity:

Unfortunately Williams has the big C, with yesterday's Sunday program reporting:

Peter Williams QC is fighting a force he's never before encountered. It's cancer. And for this 79-year-old criminal defence lawyer, it's one of his biggest trials yet.

And it's one of those moments he says that "you realise how precious life is. People take it for granted when you're young, you think you're going to live forever."

But despite a difficult prognosis, Williams never has given up easily and has a track record to prove it. For over 50 years, he's defended some of our country's worst criminals - rapists, murderers and drug traffickers. He says he even liked many of them.

I'm sure his unbiased approach annoyed the hell out of many people. One thing the get tough on criminals crowd needs to understand is that everybody has rights, no matter what they might have done.

This is something that Peter Williams obviously understands. Through his advocacy for prisoner's rights and work as the president of the Howard League for Penal Reform, Williams has undoubtedly challenged our entire justice system and in so doing made it better.

That's why Peter Williams wins this week's Hero Award.

28 Sept 2014

The truth will out

It's unfortunate that those involved in the Dirty Politics scandal have taken National's election win as some sort of vindication of their devious tactics. However, the business as usual approach people like Cameron Slater and David Farrar are taking, so soon after they've been exposed, is likely to blow up in their faces.

It might be a somewhat convincing meme that middle New Zealand simply doesn’t care about government corruption, but the truth has a way of getting through to even the most deluded individuals. Eventually, more and more people will start to become aware of the sinister side to John Key's administration, and either through openly challenging or quietly working against it, progressive and positive change will occur.

However, nobody should be under any illusions that the repressive regime such propagandists represent will try to further undermine our civil liberties, especially for those who challenge the current dysfunctional system with reason and facts. This is especially the case for academics who understand the implications of not doing their work honestly.

Today, Scoop reported another story that shows Cameron Slater has learnt nothing:

Hate merchants at it again with smear tactics

“It’s disappointing to see the hate merchants at it again with yet another attempt to smear and silence a health professional who’s doing research they disagree with,” says Ian Powell, Executive Director of the Association of Salaried Medical Specialists (ASMS).

“Cameron Slater’s Whale Oil blog has repeatedly attacked the work being done by public health researchers, for example in the areas of nutrition and smoking, and now he’s having a go at Otago University nutrition expert Dr Lisa Te Morenga.

“Once again we see him using the word ‘trougher’ in a blog post in an offensive attempt to undermine the credibility of a health professional who is using her expertise to improve public health, and then on Twitter we see Carrick Graham and Jordan Williams also laying into Dr Te Morenga.

The share hypocrisy of these guys appears to know no bounds. If academics are "trougher's" for being paid to undertake research, what does that make Cameron Slater & co for being paid to try and undermine it?

The problem here is that the right wing has an enormous credibility issue that they don't look like ever resolving...mainly because they don't want to even acknowledge the problem exists.

“These smear tactics were well documented in Nicky Hager’s Dirty Politics book and the resulting political revelations in the lead-up to the general election, and they’re unacceptable. Critiquing the conclusions of research is a valid part of health debate and discussion but this is just nasty stuff on the part of Whale Oil and others. New Zealand’s health professionals should be able to to carry out research and other investigations without fear of intimidation.”

Mr Powell says this latest attack on a health professional follows the recent visit here by British anti-tax spin doctor Christopher Snowdon to talk about the evils of taxing sugary soft drinks.

“It’s all part of a relentless campaign to undermine and silence people who are working to address issues like obesity, diabetes and public health. Our view is that sunlight is the best disinfection for those tactics.”

I wonder what the right wing will do when people stop being afraid?

27 Sept 2014

Cunliffe will stand again

After a week of unfounded criticism, much of it coming from the mainstream media, David Cunliffe has made the right choice and stepped down as leader of the Labour party. However, he has already announced that he will be stepping back into the ring to contest the position, which will likely be with the ever-meticulous Grant Robertson.

This makes a lot of sense, because it will not only ensure media focus is on Labour concerning an issue no sane journalist could criticize, it will also be a team building exercise nicely timed to boost moral. Such things will likely work in Labour's favour, especially because the focus will remain on the party, who should use this advantage to promote themselves and their values.

Today, the NZ Herald reported on David Cunliffe's announcement:

I have today decided to resign the leadership of the Labour Party, effective from the end of caucus on Tuesday.

The party has suffered an historic election loss and in resigning as leader I take responsibility for that.

The party will review all the contributing factors. That process has begun and I give it my full support.

Labour's values are New Zealand's values. But the election result has reinforced that the Labour Party must change in order to uphold and communicate those values.

I was elected one year ago with a mandate to lead change.

In that time I have worked to pull the party and caucus together and put every resource available to the service of the campaign.

Clearly there is much more to do, and the party's direction must be respected. There is no room for division or airing differences through the media despite agreement to the contrary.

The recent election confirms that Labour needs a more comprehensive overhaul.

We need to renew and rebuild our culture, accountabilities, how we do things and present to the world.

Achieving that in time for the 2017 election will require experienced and determined leadership with a broad mandate.

Whatever decisions are made must be in the best interests of New Zealand to have a strong and vital Labour Party.

The Party's interests must come before any personal interests. I have thought carefully before responding to the calls to re-offer myself for the leadership of the party.

Consultation with colleagues, members and affiliates has affirmed that the whole party must participate in this choice, and not just one part of it.

Therefore I am announcing today that I will nominate for a primary contest, which will be held across the caucus, the party membership and the affiliates as the party constitution requires.

The process is a matter for the party Council, but the work we have begun towards creating a better country with opportunities for all New Zealanders must be fast tracked.

I would like to take this moment once again to thank my family and friends, my parliamentary colleagues, my office staff, my electorate committee, staff and volunteers, and the hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders who voted Labour and who believe that Labour is a vital part of New Zealand's future.

It is a privilege to lead the Labour Party. It is a great and proud party. It has the best interests of all New Zealanders at heart.

It has the values needed to create a fairer and more progressive society. I intend with the endorsement of the Party, to lead Labour to victory in 2017 so we can implement them.

I am now going to resume a long-booked family holiday until Monday evening and won't be available for further media comment.

Thank-you. Kia kaha. 

Still baying for blood

An entire week after the election, which is a long time in politics, and the media are still picking over the bones while not really reporting the news. If anything their criticism of David Cunliffe for not publicly committing Hara-Kiri has increased. The collective howling in today's NZ Herald in particular makes it pretty obvious that they're still taking their cues from National party attack bloggers like David Farrar and Cameron Slater.

Here's a little tweet by Bill Ralston that nicely sums up their collective mentality:

Of course the media have transferred their own lust for another sacrifice onto the Labour party, who aren't doing themselves many favours by playing along. With the biased media franticly flailing about and using any nuance to attack Labour, any contest for the leadership still needs to be run on Labour's terms and result in a positive outcome.

The second target on the list, Kim Dotcom, has also come under increased pressure, but for what reason isn't clear. Perhaps the right wing still fears that a resurgent Internet party will one day tip the balance?

It seems odd that people who are essentially capitalists are criticizing others for being paid or having money, especially because it was only through the financial backing National received that Key has retained power, not because of National's policy agenda that is clearly lacking in any real substance. However, it's more likely that they're simply attempting to further undermine the entrepreneurs credibility to try and counter any future court decisions that go in his favour.

The third target down their list, Hone Harawira, still has a reasonable chance of regaining his seat at the next election, provided he stands. Three years of further cuts and social policy failure is going to leave the good people of Te Tai Tokera wondering why they didn't support MANA this time round. Sure, there may be a few who changed their votes because of a slight change in policy direction, but the main reason Harawira lost his seat was because of media bias, mistakes during campaigning and disunity within the left wing.

Watching Kelvin Davis actively campaign with National's propagandists was particularly disconcerting. Because of such occurrences, there's no question that the size of no-mans-land between political parties on the left, that invariably share the same goals, has increased.

This is in fact the main reason for National's success, particularly vote splitting and actively campaigning to undermine candidates standing on similar platforms. You very rarely see such things from within National, as anybody who even thinks about questioning the leader and the regimes agenda is given the dirty politics treatment.

While the right wing are still baying for blood, Labour and the wider left must move to develop a strategy to ensure their policies gain traction with all New Zealanders.

Those with ulterior motives must not be allowed to side-track such an important dialog, which must be able to cut through the dirty politics disease that continues to poison our democracy.

26 Sept 2014

HiKoi!! - People's Climate March 2014

Created with the support of Greenpeace NZ and the People's Climate March, Auckland New Zealand, 21st Sept 2014. Animations kindly provided by Greenpeace NZ. Thanks to everyone for your help and support. And a huge thanks to all those who came along to the People's Climate March and made your voices heard!! Awesome :)

Edward Snowden - Hero of the Week

The Moment of Truth, which if you were to listen to the mainstream media backfired and caused Labour to lose the election, was for me a very interesting and informative get-together of highly skilled and influential political activists.

Not only did we have a number of reputable journalists who could speak fluently about mass surveillance in New Zealand, the world's two most prominent whistle-blowers, Edward Snowden and Julian Assange, were also video linked into the well-attended meeting.

Snowden, who has clearly highlighted the invasive global surveillance system run by the NSA with the cooperation of telecommunication companies and subservient government's around the world, has managed to inform the public about a clear and present danger to our civil liberties.

That's no mean feat, especially considering the political and technical reach of the Five Eye's network, which appears to be a system designed for the sole purpose of repressing the general public. Thankfully there are people like Edward Snowden in the world who have put aside their fears for no other reason but to benefit humanity.

Yesterday, 3 News reported:

Fugitive US intelligence whistleblower Edward Snowden has been jointly awarded a Swedish human rights award.

"The 2014 Right Livelihood Honorary Award goes to Edward Snowden for his courage and skill in revealing the unprecedented extent of state surveillance violating basic democratic processes and constitutional rights," the Stockholm-based Right Livelihood Award Foundation said in a statement on Wednesday (local time).

The prize is awarded annually "to honour and support those offering practical and exemplary answers to the most urgent challenges facing us today", according to the foundation.

As an honorary award winner, the whistleblower - who has lived in exile in Russia since 2013 - will not receive the customary 500,000 kronor (NZ$86,311) prize money, but the foundation said it would "fund legal support for him" without disclosing the amount.

Nominated by two Norwegian politicians, Edward Snowden has rightfully won this human rights award. In fact he even deserves to win a prestigious Hero Award, which isn't just given to anyone.

Well done's only through perseverance and people doing the right thing like speaking truth to power that we can hope to save our hard fought and won freedom within western democracies. 

25 Sept 2014

A fantastic speech by Emma Thompson

A fantastic speech from Emma Thompson at the Climate march ~ London Sept 2014


Money talks on climate change

If you've been keeping an eye on climate change issues and New Zealand's response to them, you'd probably be a bit bemused at the government's lack of progress in any of the areas required to reduce carbon emissions.

Not only has National failed to ensure a proper carbon price is placed on emissions, they've also been actively promoting polluting industries without any regard for New Zealand's long-term economic viability, which as we should all know by now is closely tied to our environmental sustainability.

Today, Brian Fallow in the NZ Herald reports:

Emissions scheme a real stinker

We may have just voted for the status quo in government but keeping the climate policy as is is not an option.

A key decision for the new Climate Change Minister will be who will conduct a review of the emissions trading scheme next year and what its terms of reference will be. The Government has already indicated it will include consideration of progress made in completing a new comprehensive international agreement.

The BIM three years ago said the first priority was to ensure the ETS was fit for purpose.

It is now clear that it is not. Not even close.

In fact the current ETS in New Zealand encourages businesses to pollute more.

Unless, that is, the purpose of the scheme is not to provide a carbon price signal that will set the economy on a path to a low-carbon future, but merely to be a placeholder for a carbon price, to be filled in when the rest of the world gets serious about the issue.

It is telling that the carbon price used in the Crown's most recent financial statements, based on market prices prevailing last March, is just 30c a tonne.

That is about 1 per cent of the carbon price it was assumed the ETS would deliver when it was set up.

It is fatuous for the Government to pretend that this is "the world price of carbon", more than which New Zealand emitters should not have to pay.

It is only the world price of a particular kind of carbon credit - emission reduction units - generated by the likes of Ukraine and Russia under the Kyoto Protocol's Clean Development Mechanism. Their price is so low because most jurisdictions with an ETS will not have a bar of them.

But New Zealand does and for the past two years emitters with obligations under the ETS have used them to meet almost all of their liability, while hoarding the New Zealand units the Government has doled out free under various measures intended to soften the impact of carbon pricing.

As a result, of the 26 emissions trading schemes the World Bank reports on New Zealand's has the lowest prices by a long way. And only a fraction of the country's emissions are subject to a carbon price.

Nearly half of national emissions consist of methane and nitrous oxide arising from the bodily functions of livestock. They are entirely exempt.

Only half the emissions from transport fuels or from the natural gas or coal electricity generators burn incur a carbon price.

And trade-exposed industrial emitters only face a carbon price on 20 or 5 per cent of their emissions, depending on how emissions-intensive they are.

Consequently officials estimate that current policy measures mean that by 2020 New Zealand's gross emissions will be just 0.6 per cent lower than they would have been without them.

Emissions are projected to be 25 per cent higher than they were in 1990 - a figure starkly at odds with the unconditional pledge of a cut to 5 per cent below 1990 levels by 2020 which New Zealand has tabled in the international negotiations now under way.

Clearly New Zealand is not going to cut its gross emissions by a more than a quarter over the next five years.

I have to disagree there. It's not impossible that New Zealand, with the help of a proactive government, could cut its emissions by 25% in five years. The systems required to do this are ready and waiting, they simply need a bit of investment and a government who will get out of the way.

Like most countries, the ability of New Zealand to cut its emissions has a lot to do with people's fears that such a change would negatively impact existing industries. Many investors prefer not to move money into new areas, especially when their investments are already providing a reasonable return.

This is the key area where those sitting on old money can be convinced that a change isn't just beneficial to the planet, but also beneficial to their bottom lines as well. Over time, the cost of climate change will negatively effect all investments, which is something that must be made clear to all those wanting to maximize their profits.

In fact the sooner people divest from polluting industries, the more likely they will secure their funds in the long-term. The real problem here is that investors are still focusing on short-term gains, when by all accounts the short-term is dwindling by the day.

24 Sept 2014

Join the Deep Sea Oil Hikoi

Auckland Tuesday the 30th September - Mid day

Give homeless basic human rights

We should all know by now that the government doesn't much like poor people. In fact much of National's first and second terms in power were dedicated to persecuting the poor, who for obvious reasons cannot easily defend themselves.

The consequences of the government's war on the poor are more homeless people on our streets, inequality and let's face it suffering. That's the result of the National parties neoliberal agenda, a country divided and consequently weakened.

Today, Radio NZ provided yet another example of National's heartlessness:

Homeless banned from gathering

People sleeping rough in abandoned buildings in Christchurch are being ordered to stay away from the people they were caught with.

Up to 10 homeless people were arrested over the weekend for being unlawfully in an abandoned building and were issued with non-association orders by the Christchurch District Court.

The homeless people say they know they're breaking the law but when bad weather hits, there's no where else to go.

Not only is the government failing these people by not having any facilities available to properly house them, they're trying to ensure that they aren't even allowed to find shelter themselves. That's not the New Zealand I grew up in, and it certainly isn't the New Zealand we should be accepting as the new normal.

The abandoned houses these homeless people are using have no other function. So why not designate some of them as homeless shelters once any safety precautions are taken? It's not as if these homeless people have the funds to compete in the terribly expensive Christchurch rental market, so there really should be no objection.

Every Tuesday lunchtime and Thursday night the city's homeless gather to receive food, blankets and clothing from charities and volunteer groups.

But those issued with non-association orders, say it makes these gatherings hard because they are at risk of breaching the order and being arrested.

Police say the non-association order is to stop people committing crimes with the same group.

If it were obeyed, the non-association order would also stop people gaining nourishment, which makes the court's decision and the Police's enforcement of it incomprehensibly stupid! Has New Zealand become such a cold and heartless country that the state would try to put a halt to people even accessing food?

It's bad enough that the Police are impeding people from accessing shelter or having friends, but when orders are made to inhibit struggling people from sustaining themselves with the help of charities, then the state has gone way too far.

Unfortunately I doubt that things will improve anytime soon either, being that the National party has no moral compass to speak of. Their core supporters seem to even enjoy watching the suffering of others, which makes them look rather unpatriotic to say the very least.

It would be great if the National party pulled their heads out of the sand and actually did something about the housing crisis in New Zealand instead of actively making it worse and then persecuting those caught up by the government's social policy failure.

23 Sept 2014

Doubting the election result

You might have noticed or even signed a petition to get the 2014 election recounted. To date, 8,586 people have put their names to this petition, which in terms of political activism in New Zealand is quite a lot.

The people behind the petition and those signing it have come under a lot of criticism, some of it justified and some of it not. The problem here isn't just that there's a lack of evidence to clearly show vote rigging has taken place, it’s that the reaction to people exercising their democratic right to set up and sign a petition is a bit over the top.

I should clearly state my position on this matter. I don’t believe there's enough evidence to show election fraud and therefore justify a recount. However, I am not saying that vote rigging in New Zealand is impossible. One blogger who does appear to be saying that vote rigging is impossible in Aotearoa is Idiot/Savant.

Yesterday, No Right Turn posted:


Saturday's result was a shock for the left. And for some, it was apparently so shocking that it can only have been the result of fraud. So they're petitioning the head of the Electoral Commission for a recount.

Naturally, they present no evidence - just their feeling that "something doesn't seem right", and that the result "makes no sense". Scarily, over 7,600 people agree with them.

This is utterly deranged. Any fraud would have to be widespread, across multiple polling places and districts. There would be evidence. And the thousands of party activists who volunteered to scrutinise the poll and the count would be speaking up about it. As would the electoral commission staff, returning officers and poll workers. Democracy goes deep in New Zealand, and people of all parties would be affronted by attempts to undermine it. Its just not the New Zealand way.

Clearly Idiot/Savant is using a very old debating technique here, by saying that to question the establishment and its processes is unpatriotic. ‘How could you not trust your fellow Kiwis’ is the implied question, which combined with the name calling is designed to demoralize those thinking about or actually signing the petition.

But the dumbest thing: every New Zealand election already receives a full recount (during which special votes are counted and the rolls are scrutinized to detect dual voting and failed personation). Only after that do the results become official. And after that, there's a whole judicial recount process if anyone has any concerns.

Here’s the actual rules. BTW, the Electoral Commission doesn’t release figures about voter fraud. Therefore unless Idiot/Savant has some sort of inside knowledge about such matters, he/she cannot claim to know whether or not vote rigging has or is occurring in New Zealand.

There's also a reddit discussion on the matter, with the initial commentator, tommcg, writing:

Petition to recount votes because election was 'rigged'. Are you kidding me? Even as a left supporter, this shit makes me beyond mad. 
Not to mention all the people bleating about how the election is rigged because you don't need ID to vote & can just go vote at another voting place. Why do people need to be so stupid?

Personally I don't see any problem with people having to produce a form of ID to be able to vote. This would be the best way to ensure a person didn't make multiple votes at different polling booths. Another commentator, apteryxmantelli, also writes:

I may not like the fact that nearly 50% of NZ votes were cast for National, but it happened. Those 1800 signatories to that poll would be far better served joining a political party and getting involved now to help make things a bit different in 3 years time.

This comment raises the issue of who the people signing the petition are and whether or not they would join a political party in order to effect change?

I suspect that the majority of people who sign the petition aren't very interested in joining political parties, because they've clearly already lost faith in the system. It would also seem probable that they didn't vote for National, and would have been disappointed that the status quo remains in power. I can identify with them in this respect.

The other issue here is that there likely won't be any transparency about how the voting system works, even if this petition is tabled in the House of Representatives. This is unfortunate, because it might be clear-cut to political party observers or those working within the electoral commission that there is no electoral fraud, but it's not transparent to the general public. This creates a degree of doubt in many people's minds, especially when there are glaringly obvious cases of government corruption in other areas.

The main issue here is that, because of their doubt about vote rigging going unanswered, many of those 8,586 people aren't likely to vote again. This should be particularly concerning to left wing parties, especially considering their likely voting preferences. Another concern here is that there are a number of prominent people currently promoting the idea that not voting is some sort of solution to dirty politics. This is clearly not a good dynamic to have if we want to increase participation rates, which in my opinion is the only realistic answer to our current political conundrum.

Despite what their propagandists claim, the non-vote clearly benefits right wing parties. That's why they aren't going to do anything about increasing transparency or participation. In fact they’re likely to work to undermine these things, because it works in their favour.

Finally, here's Nandor Tanczos' take on the matter:

Stop saying that you think the election was rigged. The left lost. (This for the more volatile activists).

I have to agree with Nandor here, because without some sort of solid evidence like these videos from the Scottish referendum, claims that our electoral process is rigged will go nowhere. In fact such claims, and especially the negative reaction to those making them, are likely to do further damage to our already low participation rates in New Zealand...and that's of no benefit to democracy at all.

Rebecca Mclean - Hero of the Week

I sometimes wonder about my fellow New Zealanders and why they would support political parties that seem determined to increase the wealth divide between rich and poor. How could they possibly not care about impoverishment, and instead appear to only care about big business interests and themselves?

It's easy to lose hope when you see the day-to-day hardship of people who would gratefully take the opportunity to better themselves if it was available. It's especially difficult when there are endless smear campaigns against those very same downtrodden people who simply don't have much of a voice to defend themselves.

That's why stories like this one, reported by the NZ Herald yesterday, are important:

Act of kindness has Facebook abuzz

When Whangarei Pak'nSave checkout operator Rebecca Mclean, 18, helped an elderly customer pay for her groceries last week she did not intend to tell anyone.

Ms Mclean did not want to been seen to be bragging, or worse get in trouble with her boss.

However, Northern Advocate editor Craig Cooper witnessed Ms Mclean's generosity, which he wrote an editorial about for the following day's paper.

The article was widely shared on Facebook with plenty of comments praising Ms Mclean, though at that stage her identity was unknown.

Last Monday, during a busy lunchtime, an elderly woman came through Ms Mclean's checkout and struggled with her Eftpos card. "Her card declined the first time and she kind of got a bit of a fright," Ms Mclean said.

With originally around $50 worth of products, the elderly lady proceeded to take items out of her trolley, though her card declined again.

That was likely her weekly shop.

She was starting to get a bit flustered by the line forming behind her and got her pin number wrong, Ms Mclean said.

"She was getting quite upset about it so I just handed her my [Eftpos] card," she said.

Though the total was only $17.30, the elderly woman was obviously touched by the gesture. "And then she gave me a hug," Ms Mclean said.

"Afterwards I just felt really good," she said. "I just was really happy that I had put a smile on someone's face."

The elderly woman was very genuine and the items in her trolley were obviously essentials, Ms Mclean said.

There's nothing like a bit of good old Kiwi philanthropy to put things into perspective. That's why Rebecca Mclean wins this week's hero award. It's only through caring for our fellow Kiwis that New Zealand will once again prosper.

22 Sept 2014

Was Scotland's referendum rigged?

Things haven't gone well in Scotland after their historic referendum to choose whether they became independent from Britain or not.

As it turns out, an apparent majority of 55.3% chose to stay with mother England.

However, there has been a growing disquiet about the referendum and whether or not it was run properly.

Today, Time magazine reported:

They should know

Scotland’s historic election on independence did not meet international standards for constitutional referendums, the head of a Russian voting rights organization has said, with procedures that left the result subject to rigging and vote-tampering.

Here's a few of the video's that have surfaced, which allegedly show vote rigging:

Not looking too good there Scotland. Perhaps you might need to hold this very expensive referendum again, but this time with a bit more oversight and processes to ensure that this type of vote rigging doesn't occur again.

H/T Seemorerocks

A failure to properly report on Climate Change

I'm not sure if you've noticed the mainstream media, after a grueling 2014 general election, are too engrossed with their continued promotion of brand Key to bother properly reporting on matters of more importance like Climate Change events.

While the international media is covering some of the biggest global Climate Change marches ever, with 300,000 in attendance in New York City alone, journalists in New Zealand seem happy to rely on our isolation to try and keep the public in the dark.

It's not just the people power that our news agencies don't want us to know about, it's the scientific studies that are painting an ever bleaker-picture of a world with runaway climate change.

Yesterday, National Geographic reported:

New Reports Offer Clearest Picture Yet of Rising Greenhouse Gas Emissions

As the UN prepares to convene its climate summit, disturbing new numbers.

Two days before the UN Climate Summit in New York, three new studies paint the clearest picture yet of rising greenhouse gas emissions and the dwindling opportunity for staving off the worst impacts—and also of at least one way that huge undertaking might be shared fairly among the nations of the world.

“The overall outlook is rather bleak,” says Steven J. Davis, a climate scientist at the University of California, Irvine, who co-authored a paper published Sunday in the journal Nature Climate Change on how nations might share in reducing their carbon emissions.

Davis points to the “Global Carbon Budget 2014,” which was published Sunday in the journal Earth System Science Data Discussions. Produced by dozens of scientists from around the world, it’s the latest in a series of annual reports showing that “we're moving in the wrong direction,” says Davis.

“We're talking a lot about putting the brakes on emissions, but we’re actually accelerating.”

According to the new carbon budget, global greenhouse gas emissions rose by 2.3 percent in 2013 over 2012. The authors estimate that emissions will riseanother 2.5 percent in 2014, to a level that is 65 percent above emissions in 1990—the benchmark year established in the Kyoto Protocol.

Meanwhile the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere exceeded 395 parts per million (ppm) in 2013. That’s an increase of more than 40 percent from the 277 ppm concentration in 1750, before the Industrial Revolution. (See “Greenhouse Gases Hit Record High Amid Fears of CO2 Saturation Point.”)

It's unfortunate that New Zealand, under a National led government and with the direct help of our biased media, will do nothing practicable to reduce our carbon emissions.

In fact, judging by their previous policies that have actually encouraged companies to pollute more, our clean and green image and international standing looks set to be badly tarnished by John Key's climate change denying government.

21 Sept 2014

Lessons to be learned

As the gloating on the right wing and throughout the mainstream media begins, it's important that those who stand up for democracy don't lose heart.

For a start, every defeat you can walk away from has at least one silver lining. In fact there are a number of lessons the left can learn from the 2014 election, but most importantly I think is that unity and discipline is needed when interacting with a biased and corporatised mainstream media.

Journalists, many of whom have been badly tarnished by their association with attack blogger Cameron Slater, are clearly in the pocket of the current government. This is perhaps the biggest hurdle the left wing faces…an unfair media and their toothless watchdogs that aren't just concerned with helping John Key to win, but also with demoralizing the opposition and their supporters.

The name calling and underhanded attacks to that effect during the campaign trail has been unprecedented, and shows that our political system in New Zealand has become a more adversarial contest of smear campaigns instead of a contest of actual ideas. Let's be honest about it, highlighting government corruption isn't a bad thing unless you're the government, and Nicky Hager certainly isn't the boogeyman they want to make him out to be. Furthermore, the right wing blaming events like the Moment of Truth for a decline in left wing support, when there's no evidence apart from the polling to show that was the case, is an attempt to make people feel bad and create disunity, which is unfortunately the left wings biggest Achilles heel.

There is no question that the National party has adopted a US style of politics, whereby large amounts of money and a biased media are used to sway voters along with a negative attack wing that attempts to destroy competing candidates or anybody else who speaks out against their regime. That's what has really turned voters away from making the right choice. In fact, judging by just how corrupt the system has become and how much advertising the National party has undertaken this election, it's pretty clear that they will have to do some very creative accounting to make the numbers stack up.

That brings me onto the next topic. National, who have mismanaged New Zealand into an astronomical $65 billion debt, will have a very hard time making the books work in their third term. With further cuts in social spending likely, there will be more inequality and childhood poverty that will become harder to ignore. That's what makes the result really difficult to fathom, that a large group of Kiwis voted to further persecute the poor.

There is also the issue of dwindling resources because of a failure by National to properly plan ahead, falling commodity prices for our exports and a slowing rebuild in Christchurch. These will all factor in a steady decline in our GDP and National's ability to service government debt.

Such failings will also reduce John Key's support over the next three years, provided the legal ramifications of their dirty politics don't end his reign a bit sooner. I'm sure however that his henchmen will be working hard to undermine the Ombudsmen and our judicial process further in the hope that their Dirty Politics will be allowed to reign supreme.

19 Sept 2014

Labour's 2014 Closing Address

The election campaign is now drawing to a close - in a few hours, campaigning will end and the final voting begins! Thanks to all of our dedicated volunteers for their hard work over the course of the campaign.

If you didn't get the chance to see our Closing Statement on TV, watch it above. It's a great way to see why a party vote for Labour means a vote for a better New Zealand – share it with your friends and family. If you want to change the government tomorrow, you need to give your party vote to Labour.

Internet MANA closing address

Why party vote Internet MANA?

• If you want NZ to lead the world in green technologies
• If you want the Internet to remain open and free
• If you object to mass surveillance by the government
• If you want to see child poverty eliminated
• If you think tertiary education should be free
• If you're sick of hearing politicians lie
• If you agree that Maori language is part of our culture
• If you want sensible drug laws
• If you oppose the TPPA
• If you think New Zealand should set an awesome example for the world to follow

Party Vote Green: our closing broadcast

For a cleaner, fairer, smarter New Zealand - Party Vote Green.

The Civilian Party Closing Address

Tomorrow, we need your vote, New Zealand. Not just for us. Not just so that we can be in government. But also for you; so that you may have ice cream, a llama for your child, freedom from Hamilton, and a society in which we can all be kind of happy and not dead.

And most importantly of all, so that parties like ours - serious, substantive parties - in the great tradition of the Imperial British Conservative Party, McGillicuddy Serious, Bill and Ben, and ACT, may continue to thrive and flourish, that they may continue to exist in future and be recognised as an important part of our democratic process.

Those aren't just carefully crafted political words, New Zealand. That is the actual reason, clear as day, that a vote for the Civilian Party tomorrow can and should make a difference.

Election eve nightmare for National

The bad news for National and their leader, John Key, has been unprecedented during this election campaign. First there was the release of a book by Nicky Hager called Dirty Politics that threatened to derail the right wings campaign entirely.

However, it wasn't until the dishonest John Key made a dogs breakfast of his response to the very serious allegations that it became totally apparent he and his advisors really had no countermeasures.

Then there was the leaked emails and the Moment of Truth, which also put the PM on the back foot. Key handled that terribly as well, resorting to name calling, which was a really bad look.

Today, the news got even worse for a worn out John Key, with the NZ Herald reporting:

Ex-Customs lawyer claims he was told to bury info that could embarrass the Government

A former high-ranking Customs lawyer says he resigned from his job after allegedly being told to bury information that could embarrass the Government.

Curtis Gregorash said he was told by senior Customs executives to refuse Official Information Act and Privacy Act requests, which he believed was at the direction of former Customs Minister Maurice Williamson.

It comes at a time the Prime Minister's office is under inquiry over the release of intelligence material through the OIA and accusations that former Justice Minister Judith Collins was manipulating OIA responses for political purposes.

Clearly there needs to be a Commission of Inquiry into these unconstitutional activities by top National party officials, which would have the power to compel them to give evidence under oath. Anything less would simply be window dressing over an incredibly serious situation.

The lawyer turned whistleblower said: "I've sat on it for a long time. But the story itself is so awful it needs to be told. I think people really need to see what ministers and some senior executives do."

He had decided to speak because he believed the alleged instruction "was unlawful", undermined the way the public service was meant to operate and was given for what was ultimately political reasons.

"The direction came down (from the minister) through the CEO (Carolyn Tremain) and group manager (of legal services) Peter Taylor to me saying 'you don't release anything - I don't care what the OIA says, I'd rather fight it in the courts'."

Mr Gregorash said it was as if ministers were prepared to say: "F*** the OIA, I'd rather fight it through the Ombudsman because it takes three years."

The Official Information Act 1982 (PDF) is a great piece of legislation that deserves far more respect than the National party has been showing it. This Act gives the general public a way to hold sate officials to account, and should be at the centre of any progressive government with New Zealand's best interests at heart.

The complete disrespect shown by the corrupt Maurice Williamson and other National party officials will hopefully be another wake up call to voters. In fact it would appear that this is another election eve nightmare for National...a nightmare that I'm sure they wish they could wake up from.


Election down to a knife edge

Based on an average of the last four polls, and my prediction about who will retain their electorate seats, here's what the MMP seat calculator shows:

I've kept United Future's Peter Dunne in as I believe the boundary changes in Ōhariu will give him an advantage. However, on current polling David Seymour isn't likely to win Epsom for the Act party, and the Conservatives aren't going to get over the 5% threshold.

Here's the current polling corrected for a slight bias:

Clearly New Zealand First will get to decide who the next government is. Let's hope Winston Peters makes the right choice and tells John Key NO!

Media ignores Ombudsman overruling Key

We all should be aware by now about the biased media in New Zealand and their various tactics to promote their preferred political party, which is invariably John Key's National party.

Not only does the mainstream media portray the Prime Minister and his henchmen incorrectly, they often fail to even report on some of the more interesting aspects of National's undemocratic if not illegal activity.

One such example was clearly apparent when NewsTalkZB updated their article with a re-write that made John Key not appear so manipulative. But if that wasn't bad enough, nearly all of the other major news agencies have completely failed to even report on this most serious and pressing issue.

Yesterday, NewsTalkZB reported:

Ombudsman overrules Key over naming of staffer 
Updated 3.30pm: John Key has named the staff member in his office who was briefed by the SIS over the release of emails to blogger Cameron Slater.

Following an intervention by the Chief Ombudsman, the prime minister has identified him as former deputy chief of staff Phil De Joux.

The Prime Minister had previously said he would not release the name as it was not in the public interest, however the Ombudsman overruled him.

This sort of corruption doesn't happen every day, and is therefore of great public interest and should be properly reported on. So why hasn't it been? The NZ Herald in particular looks very conspicuous because of their lack of reporting on this issue.

Labour believes the latest developments in the SIS OIA release to blogger Cameron Slater proves the Prime Minister has had something to hide.

Demands are being made for the PM's former chief of staff to front an inquiry into how the SIS released information to blogger Cameron Slater.

Labour MP Phil Goff, who was the subject of briefing papers released by the SIS, says Mr De Joux now needs to go before the Inspector General of Intelligence and Security's inquiry to explain his role.

"Clearly it was leaked to Whaleoil, and if Mr de Joux was the person who was briefed then he must be the prime suspect, for having leaked that information."

This is why we need a proper and all encompassing investigation into the National party. Such an investigation cannot be left up to those who are implicated in undemocratic activity to determine its scope and who exactly is investigated.

Labour Leader David Cunliffe says it proves the manipulations went to the highest levels of Mr Key's office.

"The public has a right to know when the Prime Minister's Deputy Chief of Staff is giving instructions or requests to the SIS. This is a sensitive role, it must be above board and beyond reproach. He must have kept Mr de Joux's name secret because he is such a senior staffer."

I couldn't agree more…the voting public does have a right to know. In fact we should have been informed ages ago about the National parties undemocratic actions. The fact that we weren't indicates that not only has our government let us down, so has their watchdogs, the media.

Mr Key says the Ombudsman’s ruling is fine by him.

"Totally comfortable with that, the only reason we didn't name names is just simply because these people handle sensitive information, and in the case of Phil de Joux he now works in the private sector."

Mr De Joux finished working for the Prime Minister in 2012.

I'm sorry Mr Prime Minister, but your excuses just don't stack up. The voting public has a right to know who within the National party is making decisions that disregard parliamentary rules and New Zealand law.

If we don't have some exposure and transparency concerning National's misconduct, the corrupt practices highlighted by Nicky Hager's exceptional book, Dirty Politics, will be allowed to continue to undermine our democracy…and that, I conclude, is something which must not be allowed to occur.

UPDATED: Comparing the polling

   I'm putting these polling results up to later compare them with the actual election results.

2011 General Election

National 47.3%
Labour 27.5%
Green Party 11.0%
NZ First 6.6%
Conservative 2.7%
Maori Party 1.4%
Internet MANA 1.1%
ACT Party 1.0%
Others 0.7%
United Future 0.6%
Average of 4 polls       

National 46.6%
Labour 25.3%
Green Party 12.6%
NZ First 7.6%
Conservative 3.9%
Maori Party 1.5%
Internet MANA 1.4%
ACT Party 0.6%
United Future 0.4%
Others 0.7%
Culmar Brunton:

National 45.0%
Labour 25.0%
Green Party 12.8%
NZ First 8.0%
Conservative 4.0%
Internet MANA 2.0%
Maori Party 2.0%
ACT Party 1.0%
Roy Morgan:

National 46.5%
Labour 24.0%
Green Party 13.5%
NZ First 8.0%
Conservative 3.5%
Maori Party 1.5%
Internet MANA 1.0%
ACT Party 0.5%
United Future 0.5%
Others 1.0%
Reid Research:

National 46.7%
Labour 26.1%
Green Party 13.0%
NZ First 5.9%
Conservative 4.7%
Internet MANA 1.7%
Maori Party 1.3%
ACT Party 0.3%
Others 0.3%
Herald Digipoll

National 48.2%
Labour 25.9%
Green 11.1%
NZ First 8.4%
Conservatives 3.3%
Internet Mana 1.0%
Maori Party 1.1%
Act 0.5%
United Future 0.2%

Slater unrepentant for feral comment

We all know that Cameron Slater is a bit of an idiot at the best of times, but once in a while he really outdoes even his very low standards. That was the case when the National party attack blogger published his 'Feral dies in Greymouth, did world a favour' post.

You would think that such a nasty and defamatory article would be taken down, or in the very least amended and an apology to those the author has hurt made. However, because of his inability to perceive reality properly and the share arrogance of the guy, Slater seems unable to even say sorry properly.

Yesterday, the NZ Herald reported:

"You've got to put it in context. When the first story broke, the story was, that the guy who died was the driver of the car," he said.

"Now, what were the facts that we knew at that time - that he was the driver....that he had fled from police, that they were drunk and that they didn't have lights on. That's feral behaviour right?

"Those sorts of people exist in our small towns and even in our big cities, particularly in some areas down south and out west and it is feral behaviour.

"It doesn't matter who they were, none of the other detail was released until the next day," he said.

"In hindsight, yes it is offensive," he said of his post. "You hear the story with 20/20 hindsight, it does sound and look appalling.

"I wouldn't normally say that. If all of those details had been revealed at the first outset, I probably wouldn't have said that."

Slater also said he would have apologised to Ms Hall "if she hadn't rung up and given me endless abuse".

In effect Slater is blaming the mainstream media for apparently not reporting all the facts before he jumped to the wrong conclusions. The right wing propagandist is also blaming the parents for their justified anger about his disgusting article.

Seriously folks, this guy needs some major help in the form of a psychologist or two. And to think that such a sick and twisted person has the ear of the current Prime Minister, John Key. Let's hope that soon changes with a change in the government.

18 Sept 2014

List of 2014 Electorate Candidates



First name


1 Auckland Central 
ARDERN Jacinda Labour Party
KAYE Nikki National Party
KOVALENKO Dasha ACT New Zealand
MONAHAN Regan Conservative
OSMASTON Jordan Money Free Party
PIERARD Miriam Internet Party
ROCHE Denise Green Party
WHITMORE Peter Climate Party
2 Bay of Plenty
CUNLIFFE Deborah Conservative
DOLMAN Raymond New Zealand First Party
HORAN Brendan NZ Ind Coalition
LIVINGSTON Tracy Democrats for SC
MULLER Todd National Party
RICKARD Ben United Future
WILSON Clare Labour Party
3 Botany 
MCCORMICK David John Independent
MAMEDOV Tofik Labour Party
ROSS Jami-Lee National Party
YOUNG Paul Conservative
4 Christchurch Central
ABRAHAM George New Zealand First Party
COLUMBUS Robin Democrats for SC
COOKE Michael Conservative
DAVIDSON Lenis Māori Party
MILNE Tony Labour Party
MOORHOUSE David Green Party
SEVERIN Toni ACT New Zealand
WAGNER Nicky National Party
5 Christchurch East
BAKER Leighton Conservative
HAYES Jo National Party
MATAKI Tania Māori Party
MATHERS Mojo Green Party
PARK Sam United Future
WILKINSON Robert Legalise Cannabis Party
WILLIAMS Poto Labour Party
6 Clutha-Southland
ASHTON Lachie Conservative
BARCLAY Todd National Party
BARKLEY Karl NZ Ind Coalition
CRAIG Liz Labour Party
GOLDSMITH Rachael Green Party
JOBSIS Jason Democrats for SC
NICOLSON Don ACT New Zealand
VEINT James Ban1080
7 Coromandel
DELAHUNTY Catherine Green Party
DOWNARD Mike Ban1080
ERTEL Grant New Zealand First Party
OLSEN David Edward ACT New Zealand
PAKINGA Hiria Māori Party
POSCHL Korbinian Labour Party
SIMPSON Scott National Party
WALKDEN David Conservative
8 Dunedin North
CLARK David Labour Party
DALEY Jonathan Conservative
GRAAMANS Adrian Daegal Independent
GRAY Abe Legalise Cannabis Party
LUSBY Stan Independent
MOWAT Miriam Democrats for SC
STEWART Rob Internet Party
TUREI Metiria Green Party
WOODHOUSE Michael National Party
9 Dunedin South
CRAWFORD Julian Legalise Cannabis Party
CURRAN Clare Labour Party
GALLAGHER Shane Green Party
KERR Cindy Conservative
LEPINE Andrew Internet Party
NICHOLLS Colin William ACT New Zealand
VOIGHT Warren Democrats for SC
WALKER Hamish National Party
10 East Coast
DRAYSON Rick Conservative
MACKEY Moana Labour Party
MACLEAN Gavin Green Party
SALMON Patrick Internet Party
SMITH Harry Alchin Democrats for SC
TAKOKO Mere New Zealand First Party
TOLLEY Anne National Party
11 East Coast Bays
CHEEL Tricia Ban1080
CRAIG Colin Conservative
McCULLY Murray National Party
MILNER-WHITE Greg Labour Party
MOORE Teresa Green Party
12 Epsom
GENTER Julie Anne Green Party
GOLDSMITH Paul National Party
GOODE Matthew Independent
HADEN Grace Independent
HOLLAND Adam Independent
KRUGER Susanna Susara Independent
LYON Cliff New Zealand First Party
O'DEA Patrick MANA Movement
RANKIN Christine Conservative
SEYMOUR David ACT New Zealand
WOOD Michael Philip Labour Party
13 Hamilton East
ALLEN Cliff Labour Party
BENNETT David National Party
CALVER Ray Internet Party
DAY Katrina Conservative
McKENZIE Carolyn Democrats for SC
SERVIAN Mark Green Party
SMITH Ron ACT New Zealand
TAURIMA Richard New Zealand First Party
TODD Quentin United Future
14 Hamilton West
GUDGEON Bill New Zealand First Party
MACINDOE Tim National Party
McKENNA Tony Conservative
MORONEY Sue Labour Party
MUTI Sara ACT New Zealand
RHODES Mischele Democrats for SC
TE AO Richard Māori Party
15 Helensville
BRIGHT Penny Independent
DOUGHERTY Deborah Conservative
GRAHAM Kennedy Green Party
HADDOCK Corie Jon Labour Party
HARRÉ Laila Internet Party
KEY John National Party
PIRRIE Phelan ACT New Zealand
WHYTE Brendan Independent
16 Hunua
BAYLY Andrew National Party
CUMMINGS Ian ACT New Zealand
HUDSON Neville Conservative
MITCHELL Huia Democrats for SC
PHILLIPS Thomas T T Māori Party
REEVES Jon New Zealand First Party
WILLIAMS Arena Labour Party
17 Hutt South
BISHOP Chris National Party
COPELAND Gordon Conservative
MALLARD Trevor Labour Party
O'SULLIVAN Grae ACT New Zealand
PAJAK Jan Independent
PARORO Mataroa New Zealand First Party
STONYER Dave United Future
WALKER Holly Green Party
18 Ilam
BALLANTINE Beverley Internet Party
BROWNLEE Gerry National Party
DANN James Macbeth Labour Party
KELCHER John Green Party
STRINGER John Conservative
VEALE Gareth ACT New Zealand
WAKEFIELD Benita Māori Party
19 Invercargill
BOND Ria New Zealand First Party
DE RUYTER Stephnie Democrats for SC
DOWIE Sarah National Party
KENNEDY David Green Party
SOPER Lesley Labour Party
STORR Laura Conservative
20 Kaikōura
BROWNING Steffan Green Party
CAMPBELL Steve New Zealand First Party
EVANS Richard ACT New Zealand
HOWARD Ted Money Free Party
HUDSON Howard Conservative
McCASKEY John Democrats for SC
SMITH Stuart National Party
TOMLINSON Glen Ban1080
WALKER Janette Labour Party
21 Kelston
DEGIA-PALA Anne New Zealand First Party
HAYCOCK Bruce ACT New Zealand
IRWIN Ruth Green Party
LYE Jeff Legalise Cannabis Party
PENK Christopher National Party
SAMI Roshni Internet Party
SEPULONI Carmel Labour Party
SOMMER Paul Conservative
WOOLSTON Jason United Future
22 Mana
BARRY Roy Conservative
ENGLAND Ron Democrats for SC
FAAFOI Kris Labour Party
GOODE Richard Legalise Cannabis Party
LOGIE Jan Green Party
PARATA Hekia National Party
23 Māngere
PAPALI'I James MANA Movement
SAAFI Edward Conservative
SIO Sua William Labour Party
STRICKSON-PUA Muamua Sofi Green Party
TURNER Misa Fia National Party
24 Manukau East
BAKSHI Kanwal National Party
LOLE-TAYLOR Asenati New Zealand First Party
SALESA Jenny Labour Party
TAUKOLO Vili M Conservative
VERMUNT Annalucia Communist League
25 Manurewa
BHANA Raewyn Māori Party
BROWN Simeon National Party
DAINTY Yvonne MANA Movement
HALL John H New Zealand First Party
IKILEI Elliot Ewen Pasione Conservative
TUPOU Trish Green Party
WALL Louisa Hareruia Labour Party
26 Maungakiekie
BEAUMONT Carol Labour Party
COGGAN Felicity Communist League
FINAU Sitaleki MANA Movement
LECKINGER Richard Green Party
LOTU-IIGA Peseta Sam National Party
MOCKRIDGE Bryan United Future
SIMPSON Litia Conservative
27 Mt Albert
ELLEY Jeanette Green Party
FERGUSSON Tommy ACT New Zealand
JOHNSON Jeffrey Conservative
LEE Melissa National Party
SHEARER David Labour Party
VAN DEN HEUVEL Anthony Joseph Human Rights Party
WACKROW Michael Independent
28 Mt Roskill
BINDRA Mahesh New Zealand First Party
COATES Barry Green Party
DAVIE Paul Conservative
GOFF Phil Labour Party
MINTO John MANA Movement
PARMAR Parmjeet National Party
29 Napier
BAILEY Paul Green Party
McVICAR Garth Conservative
NASH Stuart Labour Party
O'NEILL Mary Alliance
PULFORD Barry Democrats for SC
WALFORD Wayne National Party
30 Nelson
BAYLY Adrian James Democrats for SC
GREEN John Conservative
HUFFLETT Paul ACT New Zealand
OSMASTON Richard Money Free Party
ROBERTSON Colin Green Party
SMITH Nick National Party
STREET Maryan Labour Party
31 New Lynn
CUNLIFFE David Labour Party
GROSER Tim National Party
LEITCH Andrew Democrats for SC
ROGERS Daniel Green Party
TAYLOR Steve Conservative
32 New Plymouth
DOMBROSKI Jamie Legalise Cannabis Party
GRAY James ACT New Zealand
LITTLE Andrew Labour Party
ROBERTS Sarah Green Party
STORR Angela Conservative
YOUNG Jonathan National Party
33 North Shore
BARRY Maggie National Party
KEARNEY Nick ACT New Zealand
LEITCH Tim Democrats for SC
PERKIN Melissa Conservative
STANSFIELD Brett Green Party
SZABÓ Claire Labour Party
34 Northcote
COLEMAN Jonathan National Party
HILLS Richard Labour Party
HO Gil Internet Party
KRONFELD Tim ACT New Zealand
LIGHT Damian United Future
SMITHSON Anne-Elise Green Party
WEBSTER Matthew James Conservative
35 Northland
CLENDON David Green Party
NELSON Craig ACT New Zealand
PRIME Willow-Jean Labour Party
RINTOUL Ken Focus New Zealand
ROBERTSON Murray Independent
SABIN Mike National Party
TAYLOR Mel Conservative
TIMMS Glen Money Free Party
WILSON David Angus Democrats for SC
36 Ōhāriu
ANDERSEN Virginia Labour Party
BRUNNER Michael Conservative
DUNNE Peter United Future
FITZPATRICK Sean Daniel Thomas ACT New Zealand
HAMILL Sue Independent
HUDSON Brett National Party
STEEMSON Alida Democrats for SC
WOODLEY Tane Green Party
37 Ōtaki
DREW Maddy Green Party
GUY Nathan National Party
LOVELOCK Anne Conservative
McCANN Rob Labour Party
MACDONALD Frederick John Independent
VICKERS Amanda Independent
38 Pakuranga
CRAIG Andrew Conservative
KIRKER Barry Labour Party
WHYTE Jamie ACT New Zealand
WILLIAMSON Maurice National Party
39 Palmerston North
BALL Darroch New Zealand First Party
FARVID Pani Internet Party
LEES-GALLOWAY Iain Labour Party
NAYLOR Jono National Party
PEARCE Mark Conservative
40 Papakura
CATCHPOLE Brent New Zealand First Party
COLLINS Judith National Party
CONROY Caroline Green Party
FOWLER Roger MANA Movement
KENDALL Ann Māori Party
MIKA Jerome Labour Party
STITT Kevin Conservative
THOMPSON John ACT New Zealand
41 Port Hills
BROSNAN Chris Conservative
DYSON Ruth Labour Party
GRIBBEN Gary J Democrats for SC
KORAKO Nuk National Party
O'ROURKE Denis New Zealand First Party
RUSSELL Geoff ACT New Zealand
SAGE Eugenie Green Party
42 Rangitata
CORBETT Tom ACT New Zealand
GIBSON Steven Labour Party
GOODHEW Jo National Party
VITALI Oliver Conservative
43 Rangitīkei
BROWN Roy Conservative
McKELVIE Ian National Party
RUDZKI Romuald Edward John New Zealand First Party
RUSSELL Deborah Labour Party
WILSON Neil ACT New Zealand
44 Rimutaka
HIPKINS Chris Labour Party
HOLDEN Lewis National Party
HUNT Aaron New Zealand First Party
LYNCH Philip Michael Conservative
RUTHVEN Susanne Green Party
45 Rodney
BOLT Eric Labour Party
HEYNS Anton Conservative
McALL Malcolm Green Party
MARTIN Tracey New Zealand First Party
MITCHELL Mark National Party
46 Rongotai
CARTER Aaron Climate Party
EUSOFF Sultan United Future
FINLAYSON Christopher National Party
KING Annette Labour Party
NORMAN Russel Green Party
OVERTON John Patriotic Rev Front
PIERSON Brent New Zealand First Party
RICHARDS Don Independent
WELSH Bruce Conservative
47 Rotorua
COFFEY Tamati Gerald Labour Party
DAVIDSON Michael Conservative
McCLAY Todd National Party
RUSSELL Lyall ACT New Zealand
TABUTEAU Fletcher New Zealand First Party
48 Selwyn
ADAMS Amy National Party
CLIBBORN Roger Conservative
DICKSON Gordon John Labour Party
GARDYNE Sheryl Māori Party
GILBERT Paul ACT New Zealand
HILL Peter Selwyn Green Party
WOODS Bill New Zealand First Party
49 Tāmaki
GIBSON Lisa MANA Movement
MILNE Mike ACT New Zealand
MOUNTAIN Danny Conservative
O'CONNOR Simon National Party
SIGGAARD Dorthe Green Party
WU Chao-Fu Labour Party
50 Taranaki-King Country
AISH Edward Conservative
ESPIN David Democrats for SC
GAYLOR Penny Labour Party
KEINZLEY Grant Internet Party
KURIGER Barbara National Party
MOORE Robert Green Party
51 Taupō
GEDGE Lance Conservative
PEMBERTON John Democrats for SC
PERRY Edwin New Zealand First Party
ROBINSON Dave Green Party
SIMMONS Alan United Future
STRANGE Jamie Labour Party
UPSTON Louise National Party
WINITANA Claire Māori Party
52 Tauranga
BRIDGES Simon National Party
HESLOP Nathaniel Conservative
JONES Rachel Labour Party
KANE Rusty Independent
LAMARE Yvette Independent
McLEAN Ian Green Party
MAXWELL James United Future
MITCHELL Clayton New Zealand First Party
OHIA-GATE Verna Māori Party
O'NEILL Michael NZ Ind Coalition
PEDERSEN Stuart ACT New Zealand
53 Te Atatū
FLETCHER Stephen ACT New Zealand
McDERMOTT Adrian Legalise Cannabis Party
NGARO Alfred National Party
O'ROURKE Paddy Conservative
STEWART Gary Green Party
TWYFORD Phil Labour Party
YONG Chris Internet Party
54 Tukituki
FOSS Craig National Party
JENKINSON Stephen Conservative
LENNOX Duncan ACT New Zealand
LORCK Anna Labour Party
MANNING Romana Marnz Legalise Cannabis Party
PERLEY Chris Green Party
RYAN Dick Democrats for SC
55 Upper Harbour
BENNETT Paula National Party
BERRY Stephen ACT New Zealand
BLAIR Callum Conservative
MAYNE Nicholas Green Party
NGATA Makelesi MANA Movement
RETZLAFF Hermann Labour Party
TE HAU Hinurewa Māori Party
56 Waikato
BURROW Mike ACT New Zealand
DOBBS Brian Conservative
GREER Christine Labour Party
RANSOM Katherine Democrats for SC
STEWART Barbara New Zealand First Party
TISCH Lindsay National Party
57 Waimakariri
ADCOCK-WHITE Peter Democrats for SC
COSGROVE Clayton Labour Party
DOOCEY Matt National Party
HUNT Reuben Green Party
PRICE Benjamin Conservative
PROSSER Richard Ivor New Zealand First Party
RERITI-CROFTS Aroha Māori Party
58 Wairarapa
ATKINSON Shane ACT New Zealand
HART John Green Party
McANULTY Kieran Labour Party
MARK Ron New Zealand First Party
REID Brent Allan Conservative
SCOTT Alastair National Party
SMITH Ra Māori Party
59 Waitaki
ALEXANDER Glenda Labour Party
AUBREY Donald Conservative
COUTTS Sue Green Party
DEAN Jacqui National Party
VAN WIEREN Hessel Democrats for SC
60 Wellington Central
BARR Hugh New Zealand First Party
FOSTER-BELL Paul National Party
GREGORY Alistair Legalise Cannabis Party
HOOPER Brian Conservative
KARENA PUHI Huimaono Geoff Independent
KNUCKEY James Democrats for SC
ROBERTSON Grant Labour Party
ROBINSON Peter Franklin Independent
SHAW James Green Party
VALENTINE Callum Internet Party
61 West Coast-Tasman
BOOMERT Laurence Money Free Party
HAGUE Kevin Green Party
HOLLEY Claire Margaret Conservative
O'CONNOR Damien Peter Labour Party
PUGH Maureen National Party
SALTER Pete Ban1080
WILKINSON Steven Independent
62 Whanganui
BORROWS Chester National Party
DAVIDSON Alan ACT New Zealand
McDOUALL Hamish Labour Party
MacINTYRE Kim Conservative
SMITH Heather Marion Democrats for SC
TUAINE Nancy Māori Party
63 Whangarei
CURRIN David Internet Party
DOHERTY Paul Green Party
ELLIS Kelly Labour Party
GRIEVE Robin ACT New Zealand
KAIPO Anaru Māori Party
KING Les Focus New Zealand
LEITCH Chris Democrats for SC
NIGHTINGALE Don Conservative
PARAONE Pita New Zealand First Party
RETI Shane National Party
64 Wigram
GRIEVE Shaun ACT New Zealand
HANSEN Tubby NZ Economic Euthenics Party
McCLINTOCK Lois Internet Party
PETERS Mark Conservative
PHILLIPS Te Whe Māori Party
RING John Democrats for SC
VARLEY Karl National Party
WESLEY Richard Green Party
WOODS Megan Labour Party
65 Hauraki-Waikato
CULLEN Susan Māori Party
GREENSILL Angeline Ngahina MANA Movement
MAHUTA Nanaia Labour Party
66 Ikaroa-Rāwhiti
EDEN Cathryn Independent
FOX Marama Māori Party
KANI Henare Green Party
NIKORA Te Hāmua MANA Movement
ROSE Vicky The Expats
WHAITIRI Meka Labour Party
67 Tāmaki Makaurau
DAVIDSON Marama Green Party
HARRISON Raewyn Independent
HENARE Peeni Labour Party
McLEAN Rangi Māori Party
PENE Kereama MANA Movement
68 Te Tai Hauāuru
McDONALD Jack Tautokai Green Party
McKENZIE Chris Māori Party
RURAWHE Adrian Labour Party
WINIATA Jordan MANA Movement
69 Te Tai Tokerau
DAVIS Kelvin Labour Party
DEARLOVE Clinton Independent
PAENGA Te Hira Māori Party
70 Te Tai Tonga
BEYER Georgina MANA Movement
BUTTON Ngaire Māori Party
KINGI Emma-Jane Mihaere Legalise Cannabis Party
LANGSBURY Dora Roimata Green Party
TAMATI Hahona Rakiraki Democrats for SC
TIRIKATENE Rino Labour Party
71 Waiariki
FLAVELL Te Ururoa Māori Party
SPELLMAN Pat NZ Ind Coalition
SYKES Annette MANA Movement
WAITITI Rawiri Labour Party