
4 Aug 2013

Wayne Eagleson should resign

Today, the National Business review reported:

The Greens are demanding the Prime Minister's chief of staff , Wayne Eagleson to resign in the wake of the Henry Inquiry .

Speaking on The Nation, Green party co-leader Russell Norman said Mr Eagleson effectively authorised the release of Fairfax journalist Andrea Vance's phone records and emails to Parliamentary Service general manager Geoff Thorn.

After looking at all the evidence, that in my opinion is the only conclusion you could come to. There simply isn't any other plausible explanation.

Here's the video of Russel Norman on The Nation yesterday:

Driving the attacks? Trying to hold the government to account more like.

Meanwhile, Labour says Prime Minister John Key needs to take responsibility for the release of phone and email records between Fairfax journalist Andrea Vance and MP Peter Dunne.

Speaking on The Nation, Labour deputy leader, Grant Robertson said Mr Key needs to tell the truth about what happened with Ms Vance’s private details.

Unfortunately getting the Prime Minister to tell the truth is a very difficult task indeed. Thankfully the opposition parties have been doing their best to get to the bottom of this fiasco. People like Grant Robertson and Russel Norman should be commended.

Here's the video of Grant Robertson from the same program: