
8 Aug 2013

Guy misleads over snapper

In this video recorded at Parliament today, the Minister for Primary Industries, Nathan Guy, claims (at around 4:30) that the government is also considering cuts in the commercial fishing take, not just slashing recreational fishing catch limits for Snapper:

He was lying. The only government proposals on the table is to cut the recreational catch limit and increase the legal allowable size. Here is the MPI issued discussion paper on snapper catch limits (PDF), which clearly shows the only proposed reduction is to recreational catch limits. If you haven't got time to read through the entire 82 pages, here's a handy diagram:
Clearly the MPI proposals are biased towards protecting commercial fishing interests while cutting the recreational allowance. Nathan Guy claiming otherwise is a blatant lie! Furthermore, all the MPI options propose to cut the customary fishing allowance from 300 to only 50 tonnes per year.

H/T the NZ Sport Fishing Council summary (PDF)