
22 Aug 2013

Chris Finlayson - Asshole of the Week

Today, the NZ Herald reported:

Attorney-General Chris Finlayson attacks critics

On Rodney Harrison, QC
"It's not true that we haven't allowed for enough time to craft good legislation but maybe we haven't allowed enough time for the rate at which Dr Harrison can get to grips with this legislation."

On Sir Bruce Ferguson, former GCSB director
"Let us not forget that despite his recent attempts to reinvent himself as a political commentator, many of the problems we are dealing with today in this legislation occurred on his watch."

On Sir Geoffrey Palmer, former Labour PM
"[He] allowed the GCSB to operate with no legislation at all when he was Prime Minister. Sir Geoffrey has claimed this legislation is rushed. Well it isn't ... If we want to talk about rushing something let us look at the debate on the SOE bill in 1986 ... He has managed to recast himself as the guardian angel of constitutional propriety. He's not. He's deeply partisan."

On Dame Anne Salmond
"The worst contribution has come from Dame Anne Salmond ... some of her shrill and unprofessional comments ... [have comparisons with] McCarthyism and comparisons with Nazi Germany."

What a disgraceful and pathetic excuse for a Minister of the Crown. Chris Finlayson should feel highly ashamed for spouting forth such plainly untrue and reprehensible statements. There is obviously nothing honourable about him.

Here's the video if you want a first hand account of Finlayson's weasel words:

Let's not forget that it was John Key who first started using fascist propaganda to try and sell his massive expansion of spying powers to the public. 'Nothing to hide, nothing to fear' is a direct quote from Josef Goebbels, the Nazi German Minister of Propaganda who coined the phrase.

By using such reprehensible tactics to try and undermine the opponents of the GCSB amendment bill, Finlayson is showing that he has no real argument in support of the legislation.

Dame Anne Salmond is entirely correct when she says that it's sad the discussion about democratic freedom in New Zealand has descended into gutter politics, disgraceful misconduct by the Attorney-General that brings parliament into disrepute.

The despicable Finlayson is therefore clearly an asshole of the first degree and quite rightly wins this week's Asshole Award.