
26 Jun 2012

The truth about job creation

Yesterday, Voxy news reported:

"It's completely unclear to us where John Key's jobs are going to come from."

The government itself has been a major destroyer of jobs over the last 4 years, such as those lost at KiwiRail's Hillside workshops in Dunedin because of an unwillingness to use government procurement to protect local jobs, Robert Reid said.

National has also reduced the number of Full-Time Equivalent Public Service workers, with a resulting lack of service delivery being reported. They've also failed to reduce the amount of investment into non-productive sectors, which has a direct negative effect on the economy and job creation.

But the main thing that National has achieved is to increase the amount of people permanently leaving New Zealand to live and work overseas. It's worth noting that if National hadn't increased the mass exodus, there would be even more people looking for work here in Aotearoa.

I guess that might be Keys solution... to export some of the current 78,000 job seekers overseas. The problem is that National has failed to create enough jobs, which has a lot to do with the type of industries they're promoting.