
14 Mar 2012

Cameron Slater is an ugly thug

There's been another appalling development in the PoAL and MUNZ dispute that is completely unacceptable. PoAL management has given Blogger and all round nasty-guy Cameron Slater the private work history of striking workers.

Slater has then chosen to publish the personal information of Cecil Walker in an attempt to discredit his appearance on Radio New Zealand, also allowing many defamatory and hurtful comments that any reasonable moderator would remove.

This is a clear breach of Mr Walker's right to privacy and the right to an opinion, and such a tactic PoAL and Slater have employed should not be tolerated.

Today, the Green party reported:

Ports of Auckland management must immediately investigate how Mr Walker's personal leave history was released," said Ms Roche.

Workers have a right to speak publicly about why they are taking industrial action without companies releasing their private and personal information.
If Ports of Auckland management have allowed this information to be put into the public domain, then you have to seriously question if they have been acting in good faith in their negotiations with the Maritime union.

Questions regarding the management practices of Ports of Auckland need to be addressed by the Mayor and Auckland Council," said Ms Roche

Bomber Bradbury writes:

Publishing the details of a warf worker who was given leave during the terminal illness of his wife is a sick gutter tactic beneath even the blogosphere.

The final eye rolling part of this is that Cameron Slater uses his own personal circumstances with depression as any excuse to throw his toys if they are mentioned, yet he is so gleeful in using others personal circumstances to damn them. Hypocrisy doesn't even begin to define his actions here. He is the wolf who cries boy.

But what makes such an underhanded tactic even worse is that Slater feels absolutely no remorse for what he has done. He thinks he's somehow justified in releasing people's personal details of a private nature in an attempt to silence them. What a cretin!

Here's a video of the ugly Slater trying to defend the indefensible: