
20 Jan 2012

Good riddance Perry

I've been cringing at some of the happenings in the American Republican presidential nomination race lately... particularly the candidates obvious mental deficiencies and bigotries. The clear winner there has to be Texas Governor Rick Perry.

A few of his transgressions include homophobic advertising campaigns, forgetting what government departments he would axe in a public debate, family shoots at their 'Niggerhead' ranch and defending the marines who urinated on three dead Afghan men. So it's no wonder he's quitting... he simply has no chance of winning.

On his way out, Perry endorsed Newt Gingrich:

“Newt’s not perfect, but who among us is?’’ Perry said. He called the former House speaker a “conservative visionary’’ best suited to replace Barack Obama in the White House.

Gingrich welcomed the endorsement:

“I ask the supporters of Governor Perry to look at my record of balancing the budget, cutting spending, reforming welfare, and enacting pro-growth policies to create millions of new jobs and humbly ask for their vote,’’ Gingrich said.

In my opinion, Perry's endorsement of Gingrich ultimately guarantees his failure. Let's hope it's the final nail in the Republican coffin and they wont escape from the huge political grave the candidates have been digging. The problem with zombies though...