
8 Oct 2011

Video Camera Surveillance Bill

Green MP Keith Locke said:
The Video Camera Surveillance (Temporary Measures) Bill is one of the worst bills to pass through this Parliament. It is being rushed through completely unnecessarily and is a retrospective bill that legalises illegal behaviour by the police and other agencies. This Parliament is here to make laws, and people are punished for breaking those laws. In this case we are doing the very opposite. 

It is important to know that this legislation is not just about the police; it is about other State agencies that have search powers as well. We have found that the police have been breaking the law by engaging in covert video surveillance without authority. 

Rather than bringing the police to account or some sort of punishment, what are we doing? We are passing a law in a rush to make that illegal behaviour legal, affecting time way back to when video cameras were invented—there is no start date to this bill—and for a year into the future. I think the essence of this is that we are overriding one of the most important laws on our statute book—that is, the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act. Section 21 protects the public from unreasonable search and seizure by State agencies, including unreasonable surveillance.
Idiot Savant at NRT reported:
The Video Camera Surveillance (Temporary Measures) Bill has just passed its third reading. The final stages of the debate were pushed through under urgency, and took all of two hours. There were strong speeches by Keith Locke, Rahui Katene and Hone Harawira in defence of civil liberties - and a lot of excuses from Labour about why they were voting for it. While the debate was going on, I took the opportunity to read through all the submissions on the bill. There were 438 submissions - and only 6 in favour. So, we have a government of the 1.5%, stomping on the human rights of the rest of us.
98.5% of the 438 submissions were against the Video Camera Surveillance (Temporary Measures) Bill, and it still passes? It appears that New Zealand is run by a defunct undemocratic system with no proper representation for or acknowledgement of the people.