
18 Oct 2011

John Key to Donate Fortune

Yesterday, the Prime Minister John Key announced that he was going to donate $50 million towards New Zealand's growing debt crisis. Key said he'd decided to gift his fortune because of the help he had received from New Zealand as a child in the form of a state house, and it was "jush fair to gift sumtin back."

Key was also quick to dismiss critics, who said he was vote buying. He indicated that after the money was used to pay for the RWC debt, whatever was left over should go towards the Rena disaster clean up. reports:
"I'm not overly hipful the losh will be shubstantly reduced.

Yes, the country has spint quite a bit of money upgrading its stadia, but they're long term ashets and I thunk for the marketing of New Zeland, the promotion of New Zeland, it's been well and truly worth it... At the end of the day, I thunk it's money well spint,'' he said.
Keys also said that anything left over from his fortune after the RWC and Rena debts were paid, should go towards the Christchurch rebuild... but he wasn't expecting that to be much.

The philanthropic move shows that the Prim Minster does achtually have a heart, despite numerous doctors not being able to find it.
John Key holds a fake RWC trotie