
16 Jun 2011

John Boscawen - Asshole of the Week Award

The Act Party Leader John Boscawen was literally frothing at the mouth in Parliament yesterday. I’ve embedded the video below for you to watch if you’ve got the stomach. Amongst his largely ineffectual ramblings were a number of gaff’s that made the frothing old fool look even more pathetic. “Rome burns while Nero feel’s,” is not the saying. Although the leader of the fascist Act Party corrected himself, his ineptitude isn't particularly helpful within Parliament.

New Zealand’s Government is an institution that’s meant to be leading the country into a brighter future, not helping fools spout rubbish. What a waste of everybody’s time and money people like Boscawen are. Why doesn’t he go and get a proper job?

According to Act there’s plenty of work out there in the real world, I’m sure he could work as a pig farmer for Roger Douglas or something. That particular occupation would seem far more appropriate for the bumbling and barely understandable Boscawen.

Did you see the goober? Note the gesture towards his crotch area when he said the word "fiddles." The frothing Boscawen also said; “Good on Maryan Street for raising the cost of living.” WTF is he on about?

Could somebody please explain to me why a subsidy to plant trees to offset carbon is going to increase our power bills? I’m at a total loss to understand what Boscawen was on about? 

He’s right about one thing though; we do face serious times and issues, which Act like National have no answers for. Has anybody else been hearing the uproar from Christchurch re the Governments failure to help those affected in the earthquakes? Shameful!
Information was revealed recently that showed National borrows $100 million a week when it doesn’t need to. National was happy to use that high rate of borrowing as a reason for making cuts all over the place... Not to mention that around $56 million is being borrowed each week to pay for the tax cuts for the already wealthy. 

National use our high rate of borrowing as an excuse to fire thousands of public servants, cut Kiwisaver and WFF, all the while over half of that borrowing is based on bullshit! However I digress, John Boscawen from the Act Party is the subject of this blog post.

What was even more telling of Act’s total lack of consistency was Hilary Calvert’s speech yesterday that chastised Labour for getting New Zealand “hugely in debt” while commending National on doing a great job at managing the countries finances. Silly cow!

John Boscawen then attacked National over the $17 Billion debt they've managed to accrue in an attempt to justify asset sales. So what is it Act, is that $17 billion debt a good or bad thing? These people obviously wouldn't know their arses from their elbows. Read from the same goddamn page you idiots!

Let’s not forget the atrocious handling by Rodney Hide of the David Garrett debacle... there’s probably a lot more dirt to dig there with the criminal Garrett potentially facing charges for misleading a court of law. Apparently he’s not the only one who couldn’t remember if he had a criminal conviction prior to becoming an MP... Hilary Calvert couldn’t recall if she has convictions either. How dumb is that?

Don’t even get me started on Roger Douglas and Don Brash. I haven't got all day to sit around blogging you know. So for double standards, stupidity, corruption, beneficiary bashing, racism and homophobia, this week’s asshole award goes to the leader of the Act Party, John Boscawen. What a goober!